T w e n t y - f o u r

469 20 1


I woke up the next morning to a still sleeping jake. I smiled at the sight as he looked adorable. I gently kissed his nose which made him wriggle a bit. I silently slipped out of the bed and walked into the kitchen.

Sam and Casey were both sitting at a small table deep in conversation. I sat down on Casey's lap to get his attention.

"Morning, I didn't see you there." He mumbled into my back as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Your really light, your like a little feather." He said laughing at the end.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Sam chirped as he got up to make himself something.

"No I'm fine thanks." I smiled as I got up and sat in the seat beside Casey so i squashing him.

"Morning," we all snapped our around to see jake standing in the door frame, now wearing grey sweatpants.
He walked up to me pecking my lips, which sent butterflies to my stomach.

"I'm going to have to go back to mine later." I frowned a little.

"Why? Aren't you staying?" Casey piped in.

"I am but I'm going to need to grab some clothes first." They all nodded understandingly.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Jake asked me cuddling me. I shook my head,

"I walk, it's not that far away and I kinda need the exercise." I smiled kissing him again.

"Ew cuteness overload!" Sam shouted before leaving the kitchen with a slice of toast, making the rest of us laugh.

After a while I went back to jake's room. I decided I would shower when I got home as I would have to wear dirty clothes going home anyways. I quickly put on my clothes and shoes and tied my hair into a slightly messy pony tail before grabbing my phone from the bed side table.

"I'm gonna go now, I shouldn't be too long." I said kissing jake on the lips.

"Okay babe, text me when you get home so I know your safe." He smiled before kissing me again and giving me a hug. I nodded and left.

It was a bit chilly outside but the sun was shining. I walked quite quickly as I'd never really been in this area. There were a few dark alleys that I passed but I didn't even glance at them as they scared the shit out of me.
I felt like someone was following me but I was too scared to turn around incase there actually was. I kept telling myself that there was no one behind me but the further I walked the less I became so sure.

I was now terrified, so I did what everyone else would do, and I kept walking. I decided to put my phone on silent and tucked it into my leggings. Yes, I know it weird but no one would see it and it could be my only escape.

I felt a little bit calmer when I started to recognise my surroundings more and more but what happened I wasn't expecting.

Plot twist😏 who do you think it is?

*Also I just want to tell you that I will try and update as much as possible this week but I have exams so yeah😭❤️ {and I haven't started revising yet}

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