T w e n t y - o n e

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It had been three days since I came home {including the day she came back} and I was still having trouble sleeping. I miss jake more than anything but I can't tell anyone. Neither jake or Casey have been found yet and I'm proud of them to be honest. It was about 11am when I finally decided to text the mystery number back.

'I haven't slept in days and all I've done is cry and eat, I'm far from strong.' That's basically all I have done. My mum has taken some time off work to be with me and she's really starting to worry about me. She thought all this would last a day or two but now it's coming up to three days and I'm still crying in my sleep, if I can actually go to sleep.

I spent the day watching tv with my mum and sister in the living room. We watched multiple movies and chatted a bit.
At 5pm my mum started to cook dinner. At 5.45pm dinner was ready and in the table. She had made curry and chips, which just saying was amazing!

At about 10pm I headed to bed. I threw on one of jakes t-shirts and climbed into bed with my phone. A while later when I was lying in complete darkness, I heard something hit my window. I quietly crept out of bed using my phones torch to make my way to the window without falling over. I pulled back the curtain a bit to see someone I never thought I'd see again. I opened the window and let him climb in.

Jake climbed in as quietly as he could before pulling me in for a hug and kissing me passionately. I closed the window and turned round to see jake lying on my bed in just his boxers.

"Nice t-shirt" he smirked.

"Thanks, where's Casey?" I asked as I joined him in bed.

"He's staying at a mate's house, I'm supposed to be staying there as well but I thought I'd come pay you a visit after I got your text." He smiled sweetly.
We lay down and cuddled up, our legs intertwined. For the first time in days I actually feel asleep feeling perfectly safe.


"Anna! Who's this?" Was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I suddenly panicked as I opened my eyes, first to see a gorgeous looking jake still fast asleep, then to see my angry looking mum.

"I-it's not what it looks like." Was all I could manage to say.

"He's a wanted criminal Anna! For gods sake!" She said trying to keep her voice down.

"I have realised mum, thanks for reminding me! He's perfect though," I said stroking his hair. I leaned over kissing the tip of his nose which made him tighten his grip on me. He was my guilty pleasure, I love him and I wouldn't change a thing about it! He makes me feel safe and happy and that's all i need in this world.

"Anna I want him out of here by noon and I'm being generous as its already 10.30am" she warned before leaving.

I felt a few tears trickle down my cheek. By now jake was awake. He sat up in bed and pulled me into his lap. I cried into his bare chest for a few minutes.

"We should go down stairs and get some breakfast," I whispered to him.

"Your mum hates me, she's hardly going to want me walking around your house. Especially when I'm in just my underwear." He sighed.

"I don't care what my mum thinks to be honest but my sister's here so you should probably put some clothes on," I winked before getting out of bed. I walked over to the suitcase lying on the floor and dug out a pair of jakes sweatpants and a clean pair of boxers.
"Here." I said handing them to him as he got out of bed.

"Why do you have these?" He smirked.

"I thought they might come in handy," I smirked back before turning around so he could change.
I turned around once he finished changing and he grabbed my hand as we left my room. I had to try not to stare at his perfect body and his 'v' line.

"I heard what you said to your mum," he smiled sweetly and I knew my face was burning up.

We walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find my sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast.
She looked up at me, then at jake, shaking her head when she realised he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Where's your shirt young man?" She asked in a serious face.

"Anna's wearing it," he said trying not to laugh. I couldn't hold it in and burst into laughter. It wasn't even funny but somehow we ended up laughing.
Jake came up behind me and whispered,
"'M cold" as he did so he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I heard my mum cough a few times but we just ignored her.

I use emojis too much, oops😂

Happy new year!💕 how did you celebrate the end of 2014?☺️

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