S e v e n

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I woke up to the sun shining in and the sound of soft chattering. I squinted, as my eyes adjusted to the light. I sat up a little still adjusting to my surrounding to see Tom sitting on a chair beside the bed talking to Jake who was still in bed and still had his arm around me.
As soon as they realised I was awake they stopped talking. Weird.

Then Tom left the room giving Jake a quick nod and a smirk. Okay something is definitely going on. I decided not to ask and to just pretend like I hadn't seen anything.
I lay back down pulling jake down with me and I snuggled into his bare chest. He chuckled as me and wrapped his arms around me. We lay like that for about 10 minutes before Jake sat up and pulled me into his lap as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carefully got out of bed still holding onto me and carried me into the kitchen. I clung onto him afraid he might drop me on the way, but he didn't thankfully.
He put me down on the counter as Tom walked in announcing that he would be making me breakfast this morning.

It was now Sunday and Tom informed me that he would be leaving tomorrow and would be back early Thursday morning and until then Jake would take care of me.
I didn't mind Jake, he's actually really cute and caring for a guy covered in tattoos and piercings.

Jake and i decided to watch a movie while Tom worked on some 'mystery project' that I wasn't to know about.
Jake chose scary movie 2 and even though its a comedy, it still scares me a bit. We got out some blankets and cuddled up on the sofa. Every time a scary bit came I hid my head in his chest. I could hear Tom chuckle every time I did.
Once the movie was over I heard Tom chuckle and say, " you two are so cute!" I turned around and glared at him as Jake put the middle finger up at him before walking off into the kitchen.
I walked down the hall and lay down on Jake's bed. I had been lying down for about 15 minutes just thinking about how all of this has changed my life completely. Then Tom appeared at the door. He walked over to the bed and sat down beside me,
"You like Jake don't you,"

"No, what makes you think that?" I asked trying to convince both Tom and myself.

"Your lying, come on you know you like him," he smirked.

"Yeah okay I like him a little," I looked down not wanting to see his reaction.

"Aw that's cute!" He cooed pulling me in for a hug.

"You guys okay there?" Jake asked popping his head round the door.

We both quickly pulled away forming an awkward silence.

"She likes you!" Tom shouts jumping up and sprinting out of the room like a little kid. I instantly felt my cheeks burn up. I got up about to leave the room when jake stopped me. He spun me around to face him and started to lean in. My eyes closed as I leaned in as well. The kiss was perfect. It felt magical, the butterflies in my stomach had calmed. Our mouths were moving in perfect sync. My arms wrapped around his neck as his arms snaked around my waist pulling me closer to him.

He pulled away gasping for air as did I. I rested my head on his shoulder as I steadiest my breathing. He pulled me over to the bed, lying down before pulling me on top of him. I leaned down pecking his lips a few times before rolling off his chest and lying beside him. He rolled over to face me and whispered,
"I know I've just meet you but I think that I'm falling for you," he smiled before kissing me again.

I'm awful at writing kissing scenes sorry!😁

This chapter was kinda rushed 'cause my mum walked in on me writing this. Luckily she thought i was doing homework which is weird 'cause I never do my homework oops🙅

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