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I was siting on the sofa watching tv with Tom while jake and Casey organised everything for the next few days. Apparently we were going to be flying out to England for a while then Australia if we were caught. Casey had got us fake passports with fake information. He had also got us coloured contacts so no one will recognise us when we're in public places. Tom and I had got brown contacts and Casey and jake and blue contacts. We won't be able to be identified with different colours of eyes. It was a smart idea. The only problem with them was since they were disposable contacts they did get irritating after a while and you had to take them out before sleeping. We had a few different sets of them in case we lost them or something happened.
We had fake passports with different names which to be honest were quite funny.

For me all of this was just a big adventure and i know I sound crazy saying this but it's really exciting. I miss my family loads but I'm sure I'll see them soon but then again i am stuck with 3 criminal masterminds, who knows what might happen. It weird to think all of this has happened in such a short period of time, like seriously it's not everyday you get 'kidnapped' because you decided not to pay for your illegal drugs and alcohol!
Just thinking about it that way, first, it was a bit extreme that Tom 'kidnapped' me like that but then again these sort of things are never as simple as they seem. There's probably another reason why I'm the one they picked to kidnap, like seriously if they really wanted me to pay for the drugs why didn't they just ask me? Also they've never mentioned anything about the drugs and alcohol which seems bizarre.
Second thing is that if I do go home I will eventually have to tell my mum that I was taking illegal drugs so maybe this was a good thing. I mean it's obviously not a good thing but I suppose it's stopped me from getting addicted and I haven't taken any drugs in a while.
All of this was running through my head as we watched tv. I wasn't paying any attention to the tv, I didn't even know what we were watching to be honest.

"Here guys get ready we're going down to the restaurant to get something to eat," Casey started, "and hurry up I'm hungry."

"Typical Casey," Tom muttered getting up and heading to his shared bedroom to get changed.

"I heard that!" Casey shouted back sitting on the sofa. I got up walking into the bedroom. I opened my case and grabbed some grey jogging bottoms, a baggy navy crop top and my white converse before getting changed. I didn't care what I looked like because I was hungry and tired. If we were leaving the hotel I would have worn something a bit better looking but I was too lazy.

Jake walked into the room on his phone, that's one thing I really miss. I wondered if Tom had brought my phone or if he had just left it behind.

"Emm, Anna can you turn around while I get changed?" Jake asked awkwardly.

"Oh yeah sorry," I said before turning round to face the other way. I don't know why I didn't just leave the room, it would have been easier but anyways.

"You can turn around again," I turned around to see jake putting on his shirt. He was wearing grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt and black nike trainers obviously to match what I was wearing, sort of.

We left the bedroom and walked into the living area to find Casey and Tom both sitting on the sofa waiting for us.

"You ready?" I asked them making Tom jump a little. They both nodded while standing up.

"Aw you guys are really cute in your matching outfits!" Tom cooed making Casey laugh. I felt my cheeks burn up as I turned to face jake hiding my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me while laughing.

"Let's go!" Casey cheered. We walked down to the restaurant in the hotel. We ordered drinks and food and ate them while talking and laughing, a lot

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