T w e n t y - t w o

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We ate our breakfast slowly. It was now 11am. Jake still had an hour before my mum was going to make him leave.
We walked back upstairs and into my bedroom. I closed the door as we sat down on the bed. We started talking about random stuff before we heard a knock on the door. The door opened and my sister shyly came into the room.
I got up pulling her into a hug. I pulled back before sitting back down on the bed.

"How are you this morning?" I smiled up at her.

"I'm good, who's he? Is he staying?" She had a bit confused.

"I'm jake and no I'm leaving soon," he said before I could even open my mouth to speak.

"Is jake your boyfriend?" She giggled.

"No, now go get some breakfast." I said shoving her out of the room knowing that I was blushing.

Jake and I got dressed while talking and before we knew it, it was 12.45pm. I was wearing a pair of black leggings and a floral crop top. Jake was wearing the same jeans and yesterday and another one of his t-shirts I'd 'taken'.

"He is going to have to leave soon," my mum warned us coming into my bedroom.

"He has a name mum!" I shouted getting angry.
Jake pulled me into hug, rubbing my back to calm me down.

"I'm sorry but I just don't want him to hurt you like I know he will," she sighed, "I want him out of here soon."

"I would never hurt Anna!" He said getting angry now.

"Okay whatever you say, you have two minutes!" She said before finally leaving my bedroom.

Jake and I hugged for about a minute. We both leaned in and our lips met. It was a gentle but passionate kiss and it was amazing. Sadly it was ruined by my mum entering the room again and telling him he needed to leave.

He grabbed my hand as we walked down the stairs following my mum. He gave me one last kiss on the lips before leaving.

'Miss you already babe' I got a text from the unknown number I was guessing it was from jake.

I walked upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom. I lay on my bed all day crying and listening to pierce the veil. My mum tried to get me to leave my room to eat but I refused.

It was now 10.30pm and I was still crying. I heard a lite knock on my window. I got up and opened the curtains to see Casey standing beside the big oak tree in my garden.i opened my window and helped him as he climbed in.

"Where's jake?" I said panicking.

"He's locked himself in his room. Have you been crying bub?" He cooed hugging me before sitting down on my bed.

"I miss him." I whispered as more tears fell.

"I remember the first time I met you. I remember jake telling me he fancied you. He would never shut up about you. That's all he would text me about." He said laughing slightly.
I smiled as he spoke, "you need to come and talk to him, before he does something he'll regret." He whispered the last bit looking down at his lap.

"Wait here." I got up and left my room. I walked into my mums room to find her on her phone and sniffling a bit.

"Mum I need to go, jake needs me." I said quietly looking at my feet.

"Okay hun, be safe though." She said hugging me, "I can't keep you forever. Just remember I warned you about him." She kissed my forehead before I left her room.

I slipped on my black leather slip on vans and grabbed my phone. I put on jakes grey oversized hoodie and took Casey's hand as we walked down the stairs and out of the house, locking the door behind us. We got into Casey's black BMW and drove off.

About 15 minutes later Casey stopped outside an old looking apartment block just outside of town.

If you don't want to hear me rant just ignore the rest of this chapter...

You probably don't care but there's this girl at my school and everyone thinks she's so nice but she's really not! She has bullied me for ages and im not overreacting when i say this but when i think of her it makes me want to be sick. 😷 She's really smart and pretty too. She doesn't know what i've been through and stiil going through and she always says shes been going through stuff too and she's clearly doing it for attention! And the worst part is everyone else always takes her side because they've known her longer. She's stolen ideas from me and she acts like she likes the same music as the popular kids even though she hasn't heard any of it before.😣🔫

okay sorry about that i just had to get that out. And this is a double update today;-)

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