T w e n t y - s e v e n

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"You ready to go now?" Beau asked grabbing a few things before turning to face me.

"What about Brad? I'm not leaving without him!" I said defending him.

"Fine, I'll leave without you then. See you at home." He said storming off.

"Drama queen." I muttered before leaving the room and turning the other way to go back for Brad.

I helped Brad off the floor before wrapping my arm around him for support as we walked. I pulled out my phone, calling the most recent phone number, which was James. He answered almost immediately.

"We're in the car, we'll be there in about 5 minutes." He rushed.

"Thank you" I whispered. I was upset about my own brother leaving me just because I wanted to help someone he didn't like. In fact I was more furious than upset.

Soon enough a few cars followed by a police car drove up to the old abandoned building. We were sitting at the desk in the lobby area where the front doors are. Well Brad was sitting, he had kindly offered me the seat but I refused as he was injured.

The police walked in slowly with their guns in hand. One of them came over to us, It made me laugh as he carried Brad out of the building, bridal style. Waiting outside were the rest of brad's band and his manager. I wasn't expecting anyone to have come for me as it all happened so fast, but Sam was waiting by the black BMW.

It looked like he had been crying. As soon as he saw me, he jogged up to me, hugging my tightly. I don't know why but I started crying. Maybe because I was right about beau or maybe because of what beau had done.

I pulled back as an officer approached us.

"Anna, could you please come to the station with us, your not in trouble its just for routine questioning." He said kindly. I nodded, grabbing Sam's hand and following the officer.

"I'm so sorry.." Sam whispered, his voice slightly cracking. I looked at him, his eyes were full of sorrow and anger, apart from the fact that they were red.

"Your a hero" James said hugging me, I hugged back.

"Thank you so much." I turned around to see Brad, who was sitting in the back of the police car.

"No problem Brad." I smiled happily, but I wasn't happy. Sam was hiding something, something terrible and I wanted to know. Well to be truthful I really didn't want to know, so I didn't ask. What's the point in asking a question when you don't want to know the answer?

Hi! How are you? :-)

I'm currently drinking Arizona tea, writing this and listening to music covers on youtube :-)

It's really storming and has been for a few days and I legit haven't slept because of it ;-0

Can we get this chapter to 12 votes? <3

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