N i n e

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Then suddenly the door opened and there stood a smirking Tom.

"Okay okay you two lovey dovey weirdos, you should probably get to bed soon. AND SLEEP! JUST SLEEP!" He said shouting the last bit before leaving the room again. We laughed at him before getting into bed.
I lay with my back facing jake as his arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to his body.


I was woken up at 4am by jake shaking my arm. After a few minutes I finally got up. I went to straight to the bathroom to pee and to do my makeup. After I was finished that I put my hair into a messy high pony tail and went back to the bedroom. Jake was listening to music and doing his hair. I grabbed some black leggings, a baggy crop top, underwear and bra before returning to the bathroom. I locked the door and got changed quickly.
I unlocked the door and went to the kitchen.
"I made you breakfast," Tom said pointing towards a tub of what looked like pasta salad sitting on the counter, "you can eat it when we get to the hotel okay?"

"Yeah sure whatever," I said a bit upset that I had to wait to eat it. I was starving. I went back to the bedroom and put on one of jakes hoodies to keep me warm and it was also really comfy seeing as it was too big.
Jake and Tom were making sure we had everything before we walked out to the car with sunglasses on and our hoods up. I had a pair of jake's black ray-bans on which I actually really liked.
We got into tom's black BMW, I was in the back, jake was in the passenger seat and Tom was driving. Our bags were in the boot.
We drove for about an hour before we pulled up outside quite a big house. Tom got out and greeted a man who was walking down the drive to meet him.
"Who's that?" I whispered to jake who was still sitting in the passenger seat.
"His name is Casey, he's going to be helping us escape," jake said sternly. As Tom and 'Casey' got the car jake got out giving him a 'man-hug' before helping him put his bags into the boot. Jake joined me In the back of the car while Tom and Casey got into the front.
"Who's this pretty lady?" Casey asked smirking a little.

"Her name's Anna," Tom replied smiling a little.

"Ah I see, she's your pretty little hostage then"

"I suppose so,"Tom said looking at jake while he said it. It confused me because he was having a conversation with Casey but looking at jake. Guys are confusing.

"Oh I get it," Casey replied like he understood something. What was I not understanding? Did I miss something here? I was seriously confused now.
We were in the car for about another 30 minutes which was filled with small talk and what seemed like secret code between the boys while I stayed quiet the entire ride.
We pulled up outside a fancy looking hotel. We all got out and grabbed our bags before heading inside and making our way to reception.
Tom and Casey went up to the desk to check in while jake and I stood really awkwardly with all our bags.

When we got our key-cards we took the lift up to floor 4 and got out. We had two rooms joined by one door in each bedroom. There were two single beds and one double bed altogether.

"Right, the only fair thing is if Casey and I get the single beds and you two sleep in the double bed as you have slept together the past few days. Fair?" Tom said as soon as we had got into the hotel room. We all nodded and headed to the bedrooms to dump our belongings.

Sorry this chapter is sort of late:/

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