F o u r t e e n

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I woke up to jake shaking my arm,

"The planes landing soon I thought you might want to know," he said as i smiled at him.
We got off the plane and got our luggage then met up with Tom and Casey. We walked outside and Casey got us a taxi. He handed the taxi driver a piece of paper with what I guessed had the address on it and off we went.
We arrived at a small house just outside of town. It was surrounded by a few trees but the city and busy traffic could still be seen. We got out of the taxi as Tom payed and we brought our luggage inside.

"Sleeping arrangements are the same as they were in the hotel, as they're are 3 bedrooms okay?"Tom announced. We all nodded and followed him upstairs. Jake and i dumped our suitcases on the floor before lying down on the bed. I rolled over to face jake before pecking his lips and getting up again. I walked over the full length mirror that was leaning against the wall beside the door. I successfully took out my contacts and put them away. I was brushing through my hair with my fingers to get rid of any tangles when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I looked Up in the mirror to see jake smiling at me. I smiled back as I turned round fully to face him. His hands were resting on my hips as he leaned in. The kiss was sweet and gentle, our lips moving in perfect sync. It felt like everything I've been through had led to this and now I had it. He pulled me closer deepening the kiss just before we heard an awkward, forced cough. We pulled back to see Casey.

"Aw look at you guys!" He cooed pulling both of us into a hug. It was weird because he was taller than both of us. I knew my cheeks were burning red so when Casey released us, I wrapped and arms around jake and snuggled my head into his chest as a way of hiding my face. Both of them laughed at me before Casey left the room again. I walked back over to the bed, lying down in a star shape. I had forgotten that i was wearing a sleeveless top.
Worst mistake of my life.. Ever.

"What's on your arm?" Jake asked getting closer. He was about to grab my arm when I jumped up, scrambling to get off the bed and tried to make a run for it. I ran through the bedroom door into the living and straight into Casey and tom's bathroom. I locked the door behind me before sitting beside the sink on the counter to catch my breath.
I looked at my arm noticing how visible my cuts were. I had cut in nearly 2 weeks but some of them still looked fresh. I heard someone banging on the other side of the door and the mumbled sound of people talking. I tried to listen to what they were saying but I couldn't make any of it out. After 10 minutes it went silent. The banging had stopped and I could no longer hear the voices. It seemed so quiet, a little too quiet. It was the type of quiet that I hated, it was the one where your thoughts would take over and you couldn't control it. It was like screaming but being on mute.

Then suddenly I heard the door knock again, a little more gentle than the last time. I didn't want to open it as I just wanted to be alone. It seemed stupid but after an incident like this I just needed some time to think. The only thing was that the longer I spent in here the more questions they would bombard me with. I was Connor was here, he always knew what to in a situation like this. Usually he would just hold me close And tell me everything would be okay, even if we both knew it wouldn't be. He wouldn't ask questions because he always told never to ask a question if you don't want to hear the answer, that's why he never asked me why I cut because deep down he already knew, he just didn't want to have to believe it. By now tears were streaming down my face as soon as I wiped them away more would replace them. It felt like they were never going to stop.

Then again there was another knock on the door. I finally gave in knowing that whoever was there wouldn't give up until I opened the door.
I opened the door slowly to reveal a hurt looking jake.

"He was right then," he sighed pulling me in for a hug.

"Who was right about what?" I asked completely confused.

"Casey. He mentioned before about you cutting, I don't know I suppose it just didn't seem like the most important thing at the time but it was," he sighed again soundly a little angry with himself.

"It's not your fault I guess I should have told you instead of hoping you wouldn't find out." I sniffled.
A few minutes later Casey came over to make sure I was okay.

"How did you find out?" I asked confused.

"I had seen your wrists and your friend Connor had mentioned something about it." He replied coolly.

"What do you mean Connor had mentioned something? Have you been in contact with him?" I said standing up again after just sitting.

"Something like that."

Sorry for such a late update😁 I've been very busy lately

Does anyone actually like this book?😑

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