F o u r

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I woke up the next morning feeling a bit cold. I sat up and looked around, jake was no longer in bed. I heard voices but they were muffled so I couldn't understand what they were saying. I decided to get up, looking at the alarm clock that now read 9.36am.
I left the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom. I went to the toilet and washed my face.
It only just clicked with me that it was now Saturday.
I headed into the kitchen after putting on my hoodie and putting my hair into a messy bun.
Tom and jake were both sitting at the counter in the kitchen when I walked in. Tom soon got up to make me some breakfast.
"You and jake are going to go shopping and you can get some new clothes because your gonna be here a while hun," I hated the way Tom called me 'hun', I'm not his 'hun'

I ate my breakfast slowly before going back to grab my change of clothes and makeup bag from jakes room. I went to the bathroom and got dressed into plain black leggings, a long sleeved grey crop top, my Hollister fur-lined denim jacket that had a really cute red checked pattern inside and my old white converse.
I brushed my long brown hair that reached to just above my belly button and decided to just leave it down, as I couldn't be bothered to do anything with it.
I applied a small amount of BB cream, mascara and eyeliner and
I was done!
I left the bathroom returning to jake's bedroom to find him lying on his bed now fully dressed.
He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and black and white high tops. I was guessing he loved the colour black.
We left the apartment and headed to the black BMW that Tom had picked up in and we got it. It took us about 15 minutes to drive to the mall and I sang the entire way 'cause why not?

Jake parked the car and we hopped it walking side by side into the mall. Jake grabbed my hand obviously worried I might try and run off.
We first went to topshop. I ended up buying a few new tops and a pair of black skinny jeans with ripped knees.
After that we went into Drop Dead, more for jakes sake then mine. Jake bought some new t-shirts and I got an oversized black hoodie. We shopped around for a while before deciding to put all our shopping bags in the car and go to Starbucks.
When we got to Starbucks I ordered a chocolate cream frappicino and jake got the same. We sat down in the corner and got to know each other a bit better. Once we finished our drinks we went 'home'.
When we got home I was exhausted. I put all my new clothes in jakes room and got changed into something comfy. Jake did the same, he changed into some grey Hollister sweats and decided on a white t-shirt. I had to try really hard not to stare at his perfect body as he got changed. I got changed into my running shorts and my new drop dead hoodie before joining jake and Tom on the sofa to watch some tv.
Right now it felt like I was spending time with friends not being 'kidnapped' sort of.

tbh the story idea sounded better in my head, oh well. I haven't updated in almost a week, oops 😅

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