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Did Jake just say he likes me? What! Why would someone like Jake like me? He's such a nice guy. His piercing chocolate brown eyes and the way his brown hair is quiffed up are just perfect. His piercings and tattoos make him look like a bad guy but that's all a mask because deep down he's a big cuddle teddy bear.

I didn't realise that I had been smiling like a fool for nearly 5 minutes until Jake poked my arm asking if I was okay. I nodded laughing at his concern.
We got up and went to go find Tom who was sat in the living room watching tv. We sat down on the sofa and I mouthed an 'I still hate you' to Tom who was looking very smug about the whole situation.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate. Jake walked in a minute later,

"Want a hot chocolate," I asked him

"Nope but I wanna kiss," he puckered his lips ready for a kiss.
I pecked his lips teasing him a bit before leaving the kitchen with my drink.
I sat down on the sofa beside Tom and drank my hot chocolate.

A little later Jake and I started cooking dinner. We were making burgers because it was the only thing we knew how to probably cook.
As we made dinner Tom got ready to leave in the morning. I was still wondering where he was going but to be honest I was most likely never going to find out.
All of a sudden I heard cursing coming from Tom in the living room.
I rushed into the living room to see what the fuss was, Tom was still watching the tv.

"How the f*ck do they know we took you?" Tom shouted angrily.

"We're wanted criminals Tom," Jake said calmly walking into the living room.

"I know but how did they know we took her?" He shouted.

"I don't know? Maybe when we went shopping, there are security cameras you know!" Jake shouted back.

"F*ck! We're going to need to leave, now!" Tom said calming down a bit from his rapid rage.

"Anna go pack your stuff there's a suitcase in my wardrobe," Jake instructed, "I'll finish making dinner and we can leave in the morning, yeah?" Tom nodded in response.

I headed down the hallway lifting the small black suitcase out of the wardrobe. I started packing as much as I could into the suitcase. I put my makeup bag and other daily essentials into my vans backpack I had taken whenever I first left. About an hour later I had completely finished packing my stuff. I mean there wasn't tonnes of it anyways it was just the things I bought and things jake had given me. I feel like I've been here for weeks but its hasn't even been a week yet. It's been like 3 days!

We ate dinner in silence, the occasional word was spoken but that was it. After dinner I helped Tom clean up while jake packed some stuff to take with us on our 'adventure' as I called it.
I watched tv while Tom and Jake talked and packed to leave in the morning. They were probably talking about their plan to escape the country with me as their 'prisoner'.

I was watching reruns of Malcum in the Middle. This was one of my favourite childhood programmes.
A little later when I was watching Futurama, Tom walked into the living room informing me that I would have to go to bed soon because we had to leave at 5am.
I got up off the sofa and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I decided to have a quick shower before going to bed because I knew that in the morning I wouldn't want one. I got out of the shower drying myself before walking into the bedroom with only my towel wrapped around me. I walked in watching jake as his jaw dropped when he saw me In my towel. I smirked at him.

"Quit starring and shut your mouth you'll catch flys," I said laughing as his cheeks turned red. He was sitting on the bed with his laptop.

"Quit being that hot then!" He backfired. I didn't know what to reply with so I didn't.
I grabbed my shorts, underwear and sneakily stole one of jake's t-shirts as I left the room again. I walked back to the bathroom and locking the door. I got changed quickly before unlocking the door and going back to jake's room. He was now lying on top of the bed playing on his phone in just his boxers. He smirked noticing I was now staring at him.

"Now who's the one staring?" He smirked.

"Shut up!" I joked.

"Is that my shirt your wearing?" He was still smirking.

"No shit Sherlock," he laughed at my comment before standing up and coming closer to me, he pulled me into a hug. He smelt like men's aftershave, which just saying smells amazing! The fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt made the hug even better. He pulled back a little looking from my eyes to my lips as if asking for permission. I nodded slightly as he leaned down attaching his lips to mine. It felt just as magical as our first kiss. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as my arms snaked around his neck. His arms were around my waist, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

Then suddenly the door opened.

Almost 400 views. wow. I hope you enjoy this chapter:-)

Also am I the only one who's already listening to chrismas songs?🎅

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