S e v e n t e e n

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'Thursday ~ day 7.

I told jake about Beau last night and it brought back so many memories. I have to admit I cried.. A lot. I miss everyone back home so much but I'm enjoying I'm the company of these 3 guys. I love jake so much and I've gotten close to Tom and Casey too. Right now I don't ever want this adventure to end but I know it will. There are so many police officers looking for me and the boys. They're all going to go to the supermarket later and get some more food but apparently I'm not allowed to come incase I make a scene or try to make a run for it.'

It was 10.45am and the boys were getting ready to leave. I sadly wasn't allowed to go. Tom had given me back my phone incase of an emergency and I needed them. I couldn't do much on it as nearly everything had been locked.

They left at about 11am and I was left to do whatever in the lonely house. There wasn't actually much to do but I'm sure I could find something.

The only thing I really wanted was to hear Connors voice to be honest. It's sad to think that he actually means more to me than my mum. He always been the one I would go running to if I was upset or needed help with anything as he always knew what to do.
I dialled his number, which just saying I know off by heart and let it ring. He picked up not much longer. I sighed in relief that he answered. My location had been turned off on my phone and i had no idea where I was so i couldn't tell him.

*phone convo*

"ANNA!!?" He screamed

"Omg Connor I miss you so much!" I started crying.

"How are you baby?" He squealed.

"I'm okay, not the best but I'll live. How are you?!" I smiled as happy tears ran down my cheeks.

"I'm fine, I miss you so much. Everyone is missing you. We're doing our best to find you." His voice cracked at the end and I could hear him sniffling.

"Take your time," I chuckled a bit, "they treat me better than my family ever did. It more like a vacation than a kidnapping from where i am!"

"Your mum has been going insane. She's constantly crying and saying that she shouldn't have let you leave that night."

"Now she starts to care," I laughed dryly, "I mean she's always cared about me but i always feel like she acts like I'm the mistake, the let down in the family."

"She says it was just tough love, but I saw the way she treated you."

"Seriously what a bitch-" my stopped hearing noises coming from downstairs. My breathe hitched as I realised I was the only one home.
"Connor help" was all I could manage to whisper. I silently crept to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

"What's wrong?" He started panicking.

"My 'kidnappers' have all gone to the shop but there's someone downstairs.." I whimpered feeling my eyes water as I got really scared.

I heard footsteps becoming louder and louder and suddenly the door twisted. I panicked a bit but then remembered I had locked the door.

Another late update. I'm off for Christmas holidays so hopefully I'll update more often❤️

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