T h i r t e e n

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We got through security no bother with our fake passports;
Carter Cassidy and Sydney Swims.
I had to try to hold in the laughter as did Casey when they were checking our passports.

After all that we went and sat down on some benches beside the little shops and cafés, watching people walk past, some in a hurry and others not. We decided to waste some time by looking in a few of the shops. First we went to WHS to have a look at the magazines and food.

"Do you want a magazine or something for the plane?" Casey asked as he looked himself.

"Can I get a diary thingy?" I asked smiling sweetly like a little kid but he just laughed at me.

"Yep sure lets go pay," he said waiting for me as we walked to the short queue to pay. After we payed we went and sat down again watching the overhead board to check our flight.
'1pm- London Gatwick to Belfast International - on time.'
It was currently 12.40. Our flight was called a few minutes later, we walked hand in hand to our gate which was a lot harder to find then expected. We sat in the waiting room waiting to board. Jake and Tom approached us sitting down beside us while we waited.
"Anna your going to sit beside jake and Casey and I will sit elsewhere yeah?" Tom said to me, I just nodded. It didn't really matter who I sat beside to be honest because I get on well with them all but I'm glad it's jake because we're just that little bit closer.
We boarded the plane and took our seats. I had the window seat and jake was in the middle. An old lady sat beside jake, she seemed nice when she kindly greeted us not like some other people who would knock you off your feet just to get to their seat first, it's not a race! Or is it?
When the plane finally took off I lifted the diary and pen out from my backpack. I started to write;

'Wednesday ~ Day 6 of my adventure.

I got this diary so I've decided to record my adventure..

I'm currently on a plane heading to Northern Ireland. I miss my mum, sister and especially con.
Casey knows something he probably shouldn't but I can't work out exactly what it is. I think it's something to do with con though but I can't be sure. I'm starting to become homesick and it sucks, I don't want to tell anyone, who is there to tell anyway? I'm the only girl right now and have since I arrived. I haven't been on social media since I left and it's killing me slowly. My twitter and tumblr followers are going to be wondering where I've gone, they probably think I've forgotten about them. If only they knew the truth.
The only upside to all this is that I haven't cut since I left but that only makes me crave it more. I don't think anyone knows I cut, Casey might have caught on but I'm not sure. I'm spilling the beans out now I hope no else reads this!
Goodbye for now,
Sydney Swims x'

I signed my fake name at the bottom as a joke before closing the little book and putting it back into my backpack. There was just under an hour left so I decided to have a nap. I rested my head on jakes shoulder before closing my eyes.

This is sort of dedicated to my friend Cassidy only cause he's cool.😂
If you were wondering I got inspiration for Sydney swims from Jake's little sister Sydney Sims😂 I'm so creative (not)

It's snowing outside!🎅❄️

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