T w e n t y - f i v e

455 21 3


A man dressed in black clothing approached me, he grabbed my arm and lead me towards what I was guessing was his car. He roughly pushed me into the back before getting into the drivers seat.

There was something peculiar about him, he didn't make me feel as scared as you would expect. It almost felt homely if that's possible. Maybe I knew him, but I couldn't think where from. Then again I hadn't seen his face or heard his voice, I had only felt his touch.

After what felt like years of driving we pulled up outside an old building. The only thing I could think about was jake. If I had just let him drive me home I wouldn't be in this situation!

"Get out." The man said sternly, dragging me out of the car. He held my arm tightly as we approached the small brick building. I looked around as we got inside, the brick walls were bare. We walked past a few rooms as we went down the corridor. Most doors were locked, there was one open but all I could see was a desk piled high with papers.

Suddenly, I was shoved into a completely empty room.

"He'll be with you soon, for now you can talk to the piece of shit." He said rudely pointing at a guy in the corner. I didn't see him at first when I came in, he looked like he was in a lot of pain. He was probably beat up.

The door slammed shut and I heard him locking the door before hearing footsteps slowing fade away.

"I'm Anna." I said softly to the guy in the corner. He looked no older than 16.

"Brad." He said in pain, "Why are you here?"

"No idea, you?"

"Neither, revenge probably." He sighed.
Revenge huh, what have I done know. I walked over to Brad and slid down the wall to sit beside him. I noticed him shivering slightly so I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.
He leaned his head on my shoulder, his curly hair tickling my face slightly.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked just wanting to hear his adorable accent.

"No idea. My bandmates are probably going insane!" He sighed.

"I thought I recognised you." I said smiling at him.

I pulled out my phone trying not to make it look too weird. No reception. Seriously this can't be happening!

I texted jake, 'help' not knowing if it would even send before turning to Brad,

"Here call your bandmates or whoever." I handed him my phone and he thanked me.

He dialled a number before putting it between both of us so we could both here.

"James help" he groaned, as I'm James answered.

"Brad where are you! Are you okay? Who's phones this?" He said starting to panicking.

"I have no idea where I am, I was beat up and was thrown into the back of a car and now I'm in a room in the middle of nowhere with some cute girl called Anna and I'm using her phone." He said quickly, smiling at the end.

"Is her gps on her phone on?! we can use that to come get you!" He shouted over other voices in the background.

"Yep it's on." I said, then suddenly the call cut off.

This was mainly all dialogue😬

Still haven't started my revision😑 any tips for revising?☺️

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