T w e n t y

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It was about 5.30pm by the time dinner was ready. My mum had made her famous spaghetti. Just as my mum was plating up the dinner my sister walked in through the door.

"Sophie!" I yelled pulling my little sister into the biggest hug possible. We just stood for a minute hugging and crying before we released to eat dinner. I was starving as I hadn't eaten all day. After we finished up I helped to wash up before retreating back to my bedroom. I collapsed onto, just glad to be back before opening my suitcase and pulling out one of jake's t-shirts that I had stolen from him. I went to the bathroom, got changed and washed my face. I headed back to my room setting my clothes on my chair and climbing into bed. I lifted my phone off the bedside table and FaceTimed Connor. We chatted into the early hours before Connor's phone died. I just lay there not able to sleep. I was too awake to sleep. I finally fell asleep at about 4am only to be woken a few hours later.

"Babe are you alright? I came up to check on you and you were crying in your sleep." My mum slightly panicked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess, it's just weird being back." I replied, "mainly because I'm sleeping alone." I mumbled. This could take some getting used to, not sleeping next to jake. It was so calming sleeping next to him. I felt so safe in his arms and now without him I feel scared and alone, almost as if I'm easy pray because I don't have anyone here to protect me.

"Okay, well I'll be in the living room, call me if you need anything." She smiled before leaving the room.

Yeah there's something I need, well it's not really a something, it's a someone.

This is short because there's a cliffhanger, sort of.

How's everyone doing?☺️

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