The King Cheetah Cub

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On the northern grasslands lived 2 cheetahs, Haraka and Hasira. Together, they're hunting every right meal for them and they respected in the great circle of life. They also have a cheetah friend named Karimu and she came from the Pride Lands.

One day, Hasira gave birth to a female cheetah cub. Like all newborn cheetahs, their cub's nape, shoulders and back were thickly covered with long bluish grey hair. Also, their cub's spots were blotchy, dark and rounded.

Karimu approached and saw their newborn cub.

"Is that your cub?" she asked.

"Yes, she is." replied Hasira.

"But look at her. Her spots were different." Karimu commented, "But she's still adorable."

"I know." said Haraka, "No matter how different she is, we still care for her."

"Yeah. Lucky you two have a cub. But me..." Karimu sighed. She's a lonely cheetah without a mate and she always wished for having a cub as her own child.

"I know you're alone, Karimu." said Hasira, " can adopt her."

"Wait, adopt her? But what about you?"

"Don't worry about us." replied Haraka.

"In fact, she's still with you no matter how far you live." added Hasira, "So you can take care of her."

"Really? Thank you." said Karimu, "But what are you gonna call her?"

"Well, I think the name 'Fuli' suits her." replied Hasira.

"Fuli. I like that name." said Haraka.

Karimu picked up little Fuli with her mouth and Hasira licked Fuli before they leave.

"Promise to take care of our little daughter." said Hasira and Karimu nodded. She left with the cub, returning to her home, the Pride Lands, and Haraka and Hasira watched as their friend left with their cub that she was adopted by Karimu.

At the Pride Lands, Karimu raised Fuli well and for feeding her, the other mother cheetahs fed her too. They don't mind about Fuli's appearance of having an unusual spots. Weeks later, she grew into a playful cub but still has her unusual spots. In her age, she can begin to play and make friends.

One day, Fuli saw two male cheetah cubs named Jeuri and Shida playing tag. They're older than Fuli. She moved closer towards them to make friends.

"Hi." greeted Fuli to them. Jeuri and Shida stopped playing and looked at her.

"Well, aren't you Fuli?" asked Jeuri with a teasing look.

"Yes. I am Fuli." she replied, "Wanna join with you?"

"Join us? Sorry, we don't want to." said Shida.

"Yeah, this game is for cheetahs only." added Jeuri.

"But I'm a cheetah." said Fuli.

" not like a cheetah." said Jeuri rudely, "Right?"

"Yeah! You're like a...leopard to me!" said Shida. This made Fuli upset.

"I am cheetah! I can prove you two that I'm a cheetah!" said Fuli.

"Oh really? Well, I'll give you task. See that herd over there? I want you to run as fast as you can like a cheetah towards that herd like it's a race to the finish line." said Jeuri, pointing out to the herd, "Got it? Go!"

So Fuli did what Jeuri told her and she raced off

"What did you do to her?" asked Shida.

"Well, you know that every herd always run away when predators are coming towards them." replied Jeuri, "She can't catch up with them."

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