Pride Landers vs Outsiders

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Lightning flashed and thunder crashed loudly as Tiifu quickly crossed to the another land to get help. She panted to reach the Tree where she can get help.

Afua was outside the Tree, taking a nap. Then, he woke up and smelled a familiar scent.


Afua spotted Tiifu running towards him and he also ran towards her, following a nuzzle.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I need to see Kopa." replied Tiifu, "Where is he?"

"Right inside the den. I'll get him."

Afua ran inside to get Kopa while Tiifu remained outside. After a few moments, Zuri came out of the den first.


"Zuri!" called Tiifu and nuzzled her best friend, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." replied Zuri.

Then, Afua came out the den, along with Kopa. As a semi-adult, Kopa closely resembled Simba but with partial mane growing around his neck.

"What brings you here, Tiifu?" asked Kopa.

"Kopa, I really need your help. The Outsiders are back to the Pride Lands, preparing a war against us. Also, Kiara ran away from Pride Rock to find Kovu, Zira's son."

"But why Kiara have to find Kovu?" asked Zuri.

"Because... she... she loves him." replied Tiifu.

"What? She's in love with an Outsider?" gasped Zuri.

"Actually, Kovu became a good guy." Tiifu explained, "More importantly the safety of our pride. If only the Lion Guard were here, we're safe from those Outsiders. I guess I need all of you."

"Then, what are we waiting for? We have to stop those Outsiders." said Kopa, "Now come on! I just hope we're not too late."

The four lions ran off to get to the Pride Lands. A storm gathered as the two prides closed on the field of battle located near the gorge. Prey animals skittered away from between the advancing lions. The two prides faced each other across the field when all were assembled.

"It's over, Simba!" called Zira, "I have dreamed of nothing else for years!"

"Boy... does she need a hobby." said Timon sarcastically.

"Last chance, Zira. Go home." said Simba.

"I am home." replied Zira, "ATTACK!!!"

The two opposing lines advanced toward each other, first walking, then picking up speed until they hit at a full run. Zira coached her pride from a high rock. The battle between the pride became violent as the Outsiders fought fiercely the Pride Landers by clawing and biting.

Kopa, Zuri, Afua and Tiifu arrived at the other side of the gorge where they saw the battle already began at the other side of the gorge.

"We have to get there quickly!" said Tiifu.

"But we need to find the way across." said Afua.

Then, Zuri noticed something at the distance.

"Guys, is that Kiara?"

"Where?" asked Tiifu.

"Over there." replied Zuri as she pointed her to Kiara, along with Kovu, running down an embankment covered with fallen logs to cross the other side.

"And she's with Kovu too." said Tiifu, "Guys, we can use that embankment over there to cross to the other side."

"That would be useful." agreed Kopa, "Let's go. Hurry!"

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