Beautiful Meets Heart

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Author's Note: In this story, I didn't include a ship between Kopa and Vitani because it's the most common ship in every fanfictions. So I decided to have another character to pair with Kopa.

Two months later, Kopa really missed Rani and Baliyo so much after they left Africa to move to the Tree of Life in Asia with Surak and Nirmala. He missed his brotherly act towards them but still he had Kion and Kiara as his real siblings. This time, he was off duty and headed towards the Pride Lands to see them with Afua.

Last night, heavy rains made every watering hole overflowed and flooded in every low areas. The Lion Guard came to the flooded areas to investigate.

"Looks like all of the low grounds here were all flooded." Ono explained, "And also the water's rising up."

"Maybe there's something blocked that caused the water rising." said Fuli.

"Maybe, you're right." replied Kion, "Ono, check out if there's something blocked in the water."


Ono flew up and hovered above the flood waters to check out if there was a block. And Fuli was right.

"Kion! There is a block!" Ono reported, "It's the landslide that caused the block and the rapid flow of the water is the cause of water rising up."

"What's going on here?" asked Kiara as she approached with Tiifu and Zuri.

"Kiara? What are you doing here?"

"Oh you know. I was supposed to track some gazelles again with Tiifu and Zuri today but I cancelled it." replied Kiara, "If weren't for the floodwaters, we still have time to track."

"Well, I think it's a good time for us to have a drink here." said Tiifu as she saw some animals drinking near the watering hole, "I'm thirsty."

"But the water rising up." said Zuri.

"I know."

"Hapana!" cried Ono, "Kion, even worse! There are crocodiles near the floodwaters! And I think it's Makuu and his float!"

"Crocodiles?!" gasped Zuri, "Oh no. I'm not supposed to be here! I gotta get outta here."

"Zuri, careful. The water's rising up and the crocodiles may ambush you." warned Kion, "Leave this place fast. Beshte, Bunga, you with me to clear the block. Ono and Fuli, you have to get the animals away from the floodwaters."

"Kion, we'll help you clear the block." said Kiara and Tiifu nodded to help, "We wanna help."

"Okay. You and Tiifu with me." replied Kion, "Come on!"

Zuri walked back to Pride Rock and aware the presence of the crocodiles. The water had risen up and she knew she'll be in danger if she didn't leave near the floodwaters. Then, a rustling sound in a shaking bush surprised her.

"W-Who's there?" called Zuri but no one reply. The bush shook again and footsteps was heard. Zuri shivered in fear.

"Could be crocodiles? Oh no! Get away from me!"

The sounds of rustle and footsteps continued. With great fear, Zuri outstretched her claws, preparing to attack the oncoming animal which possibly be a crocodile.

"Get away from me! Or else... I... I'll attack you!"

Zuri made a full pounce to the bush and pinned it down as her eyes closed tightly.

"Go away, crocodile!"

"Uh... Will you please get off me?" replied a voice.

Zuri felt a smooth fur on her paws and she opened her eyes. The one she pinned down wasn't a crocodile but turned out to be a lion cub with yellowish cream fur with dark red tuft of mane on his head and teal eyes.

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