The Rise Of Scar Part 2: Presence Of Evil

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Nala gave Tiifu and Zuri an activity as they went to the fields where some lionesses were there.

"So what are we gonna do, Queen Nala?" asked Tiifu excitedly.

"You see those lionesses and some herd of antelopes there? You know what are we gonna do today."

Tiifu gasped and realized that their activity was...

"Yes! Hunting!" Tiifu cried out.

"Hunting? Oh great. Such overrated." sighed Zuri, "Just let them hunt and I'll stay here and watch."

"Aww, come on, Zuri. It'll be fun." said Tiifu.

"Fun? I don't think so. But what else could be more fun than that?" she asked.

"Hang out with me?" replied a voice. Zuri turned around and gasped as she found Kopa behind her.

"Hi, Zuri."

"Oh! Hi, Kopa." greeted Zuri which she blushed, "Glad to you see you again. So you're saying that I'll hang out with you? I'll say yes."

"Alright. So come on." said Kopa, "But in our hang out, I'm still looking for some water."

"Then, I can help." said Zuri.

"If you say so. Come on."

At the fields where the herd of elephants, along with some animals, were there, things were getting difficult for Ma Tembo to search for a new water source as some thirsty animals were chanting of water. Kiara and Makini came to help.

"So is there anything we can do to help?" asked Kiara.

"I don't know if there is." replied Ma Tembo, "I believe we're in the general area of the new water source. But I haven't found the well site yet."

"Maybe we could look around for wet rocks, or some other sign of underground water?" said Makini.

"Oh, yes. That would be helpful." Ma Tembo agreed.

"You know what they say. Many eyes make a search seem smaller!"

"Well said, Makini. And, thank you, Your Highness." thanked Ma Tembo.

"Happy to help, Ma Tembo." replied Kiara, "C'mon, Makini. Let's find that water!"

The two went off to search the water from underground.

"That was a good idea you had back there, Makini." said Kiara, "I'm impressed."

"Well, I really admire you Kiara. Water is so important to the circle of life." said Makini, "So your helping Ma Tembo find water is even more..."

"Wait. I thought I heard something." called Kiara as she sniffed.

"That's funny. I didn't hear anything. But I know that's something I need to work on. Being quiet so I can hear things. Like the Lions of the Past!" said Makini loudly.

"Makini! Be quiet!" Kiara shushed her.

"I know, right?" chuckled Makini, "That's what everyone's always trying to tell me! Shwari, Makini. Shwari. But it's..."

"Hyenas!" cried Kiara as Janja and his clan attacked them.

Makini was too frightened to protect Kiara from the hyenas as they kidnapped her and she didn't know that her bakora staff was taken by the hyenas.

"Makini! Help!"

"It's gonna take more than one little mandrill to save you Kiara! A lot more!" said Janja evilly as they returned to the Outlands with Kiara and the staff.

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