Battle For The Pride Lands Part 2: Fire At Pride Rock

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As the hyenas went inside the lair, they looked around in awe.

"Hey! This place is nicer than our den." Cheezi commented.

"Lots of pretty pictures, too." added Chungu as he watched on the paintings.

"That's far enough, Janja." called Kion as the Guard found them.

"Yeah! Get outta our lair." called Bunga.

"You kiddin'? We just got here. Boys, scatter!"

So the hyenas scrambled around the lair like what Janja told them.

"What are they up to?" asked Fuli confusingly.

"They must be after something in the lair." replied Ono.

"But what?" asked Beshte.

"Doesn't matter. Let's round 'em up, and kick 'em out." said Kion.

"With pleasure." Bunga agreed, "Zuka zama!"

So the Guard split up to stop the hyenas. As they tried to stop them, Ono discovered something else.

"Hapana! Kion, we have a problem!" cried Ono.

The Guard realized that Pride Rock was on fire and Janja noticed that the Outlanders already set the fire while they were inside the lair. He and his hyenas tried to escape but only Janja was free and his hyenas remained trapped inside with the Guard as the entrance was blocked by burning sticks and branches.

"But Scar told us to go in there..." Janja muttered until he realized..., "We've been double-crossed! I gotta get help. But the Pride Landers won't trust me. And I can't trust Scar's army! I know who to trust."

Meanwhile, Kopa and Afua nearly reached Pride Rock until they discovered a bright glow in Pride Rock. They ran closer until they found out that Pride Rock was on fire! Unlike from the last time since the battle between Simba and Scar, the fire on Pride Rock was worse than before due to that the Outlanders set more flammable sticks around Pride Rock.

Now, Kopa's family was trapped on the edge until Anga carefully carried Kiara to safety to the ground. There, Kiara reunited with his big brother.

"Kopa! You're here." called Kiara and nuzzled his brother.

"How's Mom and Dad?" asked Kopa.

"Still there. But Anga may help them." replied Kiara as they saw Anga with Hadithi flew towards Simba and Nala to help.

They also saw few lionesses evacuated from the burning Pride Rock.

"Wait. Only few were evacuated." said Kiara, "Where are the others? And where's Tiifu and Zuri?!"

"Maybe they're still trapped there!" replied Afua.

"Then we have to help them." said Kopa, "Come on!"

"Be careful!" called Kiara to Kopa and Afua as they ran to rescue some lionesses, including Tiifu and Zuri.

Meanwhile at the lair, the Guard waited for Beshte who had just dived into the pool to find the way out. Afterwards, he came back.

"You guys! Come on! This is our way out!" called Beshte.

"Great work, Beshte." said Kion.

"It's a bit of a swim." said Beshte, "So hold your breath and follow me."

"Swim?" Fuli began to feel anxious when it comes to water, "Uh, guys? You know me and water. We don't exactly get along."

"You'd rather be stuck in all this smoke?" coughed Bunga.

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