Long Live The Queen

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It's been a few months passed by, the Night Pride went on protecting the Tree of Life with the help of the Lion Guard from Makucha, Chunlunn, Ora and another enemy that Bunga already faced before, Mama Binturong.

Also, Queen Janna healed Ono's eyes and regained his sight though it wasn't as sharp as it used to be. Another thing is that both Kion and Rani developed a strange feelings for each other. They sometimes smiled warmly to each other, grew closer and always trust and encouraged each other.

But time passed, Queen Janna became weaker and weaker in her old age. This time, she was watching Makini doing some paintings inside the Tree of Life.

"Another satisfying painting, Makini." smiled Queen Janna, "Well done."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." replied Makini, "I've been doing this as part of my training."

"You've done a lot of success of your training as a Royal Mjuzi." said Queen Janna, "I doubt that I'll make it official that you're now."

"Wait. So you're saying...?" Makini paused and then, gasped after realizing what she meant, "I'm now a Royal Mjuzi?!"

Queen Janna nodded.

"YES!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Makini jumped around with joy which made Queen Janna chuckle.

"This is my happiest moment. I am now a Royal Mjuzi. Oh, Mom, Dad and Rafiki will be so proud."

"I'm sure they will." said Queen Janna and then, she began to breath trembling, "I feel... my time has come."

"Wait, what?" gasped Makini as her expeession suddenly changed after seeing Queen Janna became weaker and she's dying.

"Makini, tell Ullu to get the Night Pride and Kion." Queen Janna told, "I need them."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'll do it." replied Makini and she ran to the exit, "Ullu! Where are you?!"

Ullu quickly responded Makini's call as she perched down towards her.

"What is it?"

"Ullu, go get the Night Pride and Kion. Queen Janna needs them." Makini told, "And gather some animals here. Hurry!"

"Got it." hooted Ullu as she flew away. Makini returned back to care for Queen Janna.

Ullu called the animals to gather to the Tree before heading to the Mountain Pass. She found the Lion Guard and the Night Pride rescuing the tiger, Varya, and her cubs from Makucha, Chunlunn, Ora and Mama Binturong. She flew closer to them.

"Rani. Rani. Queen Janna needs you and the Night Pride." hooted Ullu.


"Go ahead, Rani." said Kion, "Me and the Lion Guard will stay with Varya and her cubs."

"That won't do. The queen asked for Kion, too." called Ullu.


"Go on. We can handle this, Kion." said Fuli.

"Yeah. We got everything under control." added Bunga as Varya's cubs playfully tackled Bunga.

"Don't worry. I've got everything under control." said Fuli.

"Thanks, Fuli." replied Kion.

"Thank you." added Rani, "Let's go."

The Night Pride and Kion ran through the Mountain Pass and stopped to see the other animals around the Tree. News quickly spread around the kingdom as more animals came.

"What's going on? Why are they all here?" asked Baliyo.

"It's Grandmother Janna." replied Rani.

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