Return Of The Roar Part 3: Time For The Lion Guard

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Simba was pretty upset because he thought Kion doesn't take his new responsibility seriously. As he walked back to Pride Rock, Kopa emerged from the grass and stepped towards his father.

"Dad, we need to talk." he said, "About Kion."

"Sure thing, son."

"Look, Dad. I know that you're upset because of him but...he's doing it seriously. I saw that." said Kopa.

"Kopa, that wasn't right." said Simba, "The Lion Guard is made up of lions and it's not right that he assembled his friends for his team."

"Lions or not, Dad." said Kopa, "Come on! He did it seriously. About his friends, you know that Fuli is the right choice for the fastest because cheetahs are faster than lions. He chose Beshte as the strongest. You know, hippos are larger and stronger than lions. Bunga may be foolish but I saw that he's brave on anything. And Ono is the right choice for the keenest of sight. Birds have sharper eyes than lions. Come on, Dad. You have to agree for this and stop worrying that he can't handle it. I saw him and his friends rescuing Ono from the hyenas themselves when Kion was 2 months old."

"Young prince is right, Simba." said Rafiki who had just arrived, "Kion chose the better way than before. Lions or not, they're still be part of the Lion Guard. He did his own responsibility seriously."

"You hear that, Dad? I did my own responsibility seriously. So were my siblings." said Kopa, "Give him a chance."

"But uh... I'm not sure about this." said Simba, "The Lion Guard made up of other animals and one lion? I don't think so."

Simba returned back to Pride Rock. Meanwhile, Kiara and Tiifu reached the fields where the gazelles are as they crouched down.

"Be sure to stay low while we're tracking the herd." Kiara told Tiifu, "And we need stay downwind, so they don't catch our scent. That's why it's important to watch how the grass moves."

"Are we going to attack them?" asked Tiifu.

"No. My dad says we should only take what the pride needs, to keep the circle of life in balance." replied Kiara, "If we took down gazelles just to learn how to do it, pretty soon there wouldn't be any left. Then we'd be as bad as the hyenas."

Then, they spotted Mzingo the vulture circling over the gazelles. Also, they saw Janja and his clan sneaking towards the gazelles.

"Hyenas. And Janja's leading them." said Kiara.

"There's so many of them!"

"Yeah. And with Mzingo circling over the gazelles, I have a feeling they're up to no good."

"What are we going to do?" asked Tiifu.

"Go find my dad and tell him Janja and his clan are here. I'll stay here and keep watch." Kiara told.

Tiifu left to find Simba while Kiara stayed and hid behind the rock to watch what the hyenas were up to.

Meanwhile, Kopa looked anywhere for Kion to assure him. Bunga met up with Kopa.

"Kopa! Have you seen Kion?" he asked.

"No. That's why I'm looking for him." replied Kopa, "Can't find him anywhere."

"So you were there when Simba scolded Kion?" asked Bunga.

"Yeah, I was there. I've heard everything he said."

"You know, Kopa. I think Simba's right." said Bunga, "Maybe I can't be part of the Lion Guard because I'm a honey badger, not a lion."

"Lions or not, you'll be part of the Lion Guard." Kopa said, "Kion made a best choice for assemble his Lion Guard. And you were the bravest I know."

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