New Friends

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Time had passed, Kion grew up in the age of 5 months old and Kiara grew in the age of 7 months old. Also, Kopa grew in the age of 9 months old. So was Rani who was also 5 months old, Baliyo and Kion's friends.

Ono, who had been rescued by Kion and his friends from Janja, Cheezi and Chungu since he was in an egg, also grew up and became intelligent and knowledgeable. Aside from spending with the egret flocks, Ono always wandering around the Pride Lands by himself to learn more and with his keen eyes, he saw anything that was interesting for him that he wanna know.

He always feed on small bugs that found on larger animals. That day, he found bugs flying over Beshte who was floating on the water.

"Time for a snack." said Ono and perched down to Beshte feed on bugs.

As Ono was eating bugs, Kion and Bunga came to the watering hole while playing baobab ball. Then, Bunga tossed the fruit hard that flew towards Ono.

"HAPANA!" Ono screamed and flew out from the fruit that it thumped onto Beshte's back and bounced towards Fuli!

"Oops! Sorry!" Bunga apologized.

"I'm okay, Lil' B." said Beshte.

"It's good. No harm done." said Ono.

"Ahem!" Fuli made a stern sound to draw their attention to her. They looked at the frowning cheetah with squashed fruit all over her. Even though she was friendly when she's younger and now Fuli had grown to be loner, arrogant, impatient, sarcastic, uncompromising, tomboyish, brash, snarky, quick-witted, independent, reckless, cocky, tough, sly, snide and spunky. But her personality when she's younger were still remained.

"Sorry, Fuli." chuckled Fuli.

"Yeah. Thanks for that." frowned Fuli.

"You know, a wash could cheer you up, young cheetah." said Ono as he flew towards Fuli.

"No need." said Fuli as she backed a few steps, "I can do this by mySELF!"

Fuli suddenly fell off the edge and splashed into the water. Beshte helped her back to land.

"Well, at least you're clean." said Ono, "But I still smell the baobab fruit scent from your fur."

Fuli frowned again.

"Yeah. Thank you." Fuli shook her wet body to get dry, "But lemme ask you a one thing. Who are you?"

"My name's Ono. What's yours?" replied Ono but Fuli didn't reply.

"She's Fuli." said Kion, "Nice to meet you, Ono. I'm Kion. That's Bunga and Beshte."

"Nice to meet you too." said Ono, "So you're the son of the king, aren't you?"

"He is." said Fuli sarcastically.

"Geez, your friend seems to have negative traits." said Ono, talking about Fuli.

"She is." said Bunga, "But she can be friendly. She's a friend of us. Like what her adopted mother said about her."

Few months ago...

"What's the reason why Fuli is acting like that?" asked Kion.

"No reason." replied Karimu, "Fuli seems to be rude or arrogant but she can be kind-hearted."

"I don't think she is kind-hearted." said Bunga as he saw Fuli having troubled by baboons.

Back to present day...

"Is that so?" said Ono.

"Yeah, but she's still friendly." said Kion, "Hey, you can be our friend, will ya?"

"Sure. I like that." replied Ono.

"Poa. Glad that you're now our friend." said Beshte.

"Thanks. Well, I gotta go back to my flock. Thanks for becoming my friends."

And Ono flew off, returning back to his flock.

"Well, we've made a friend to a bird." said Bunga.

"He's an egret, Bunga." said Fuli.

"I knew that." said Bunga and Fuli rolled her eyes.

"I gotta go too."

Fuli also left, zooming towards the field.

"Yup. There goes Fuli." said Beshte, "Better get back to water."

And Beshte jumped back to the water.

"Come on, Bunga. Back to Pride Rock." said Kion.

The two returned to Pride Rock and there, they spotted Kiara talking to the two lioness cubs. One was talking to her while the other scratched her claws on a tree while listening.

"Who are those two?" asked Bunga.

"Don't ask me. I didn't know who are those." replied Kion, "Seems they're friendly to Kiara."

"Wanna meet 'em?" asked Bunga.


Kion and Bunga ran down from the ledge of Pride Rock and went towards Kion's sister.


"Hey, little brother." greeted Kiara.

"Who are those cubs, Kiara?" asked Kion.

"Them? Oh. They' new friends." replied Kiara and one of the nodded, "Here is Tiifu. Tiifu, my little brother, Kion, and his friend, Bunga."

"Hello. Nice to meet ya, Kion and Bunga." greeted Tiifu.

"And that one who scratches on the tree is Zuri. She's...uh..."

"Zuri's vain and a little bit timid." Tiifu added.

"Why is she scratching the tree?" asked Bunga.

"Because I like sharpening my claws to make them shiny." replied Zuri as she showed them her shiny claws, "See?"

"I see." replied Kion, "Anyway Tiifu, how old are you and Zuri?"

"I'm 7 months old and Zuri's 8 months old." replied Tiifu, "And how old you two?"

"I'm also 7 like you, Tiifu." replied Kiara, "Kion is 5 months old."

"5 months old? Kion seems taller than you, Kiara." said Zuri, measuring Kion's height compare to Kiara.

"In fact, I'm his big sister." said Kiara.

"And height doesn't matter." added Kion.

"Anyway, I have to go back to train to be a queen." said Kiara, "Say you two, wanna come?"

"Sure!" replied Tiifu.

"Why not?" added Zuri, "I wanna see your training."

"Oh Kion, Bunga, glad to meet ya." said Tiifu.

"Glad to meet you too." said Kion, "Anyway Bunga, let's go get another baobab fruit. Let's continue the game!"

"Haha! You're on!"

Playing baobab ball can be fun for Kion and Bunga but their game can be a little disturbing like interrupting Kiara's training but that was the next story.

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