Kion's Egg Rescue

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Kopa had left the Pride Lands for training as a skilled protector of the circle of life. It happened before Kiara and Kion were born and after Zira's failed to slay Simba, resulting Simba to exile the royal followers of Scar to the Outlands.

After Zira's banishment, Kopa realized that the Pride Lands are in danger once again and decided to leave Pride Rock to train as a skilled fighter to protect his family and the circle of life from threat like the Outsiders. Simba disagreed at first but then, he agreed after Kopa promised his parents that he'll be back. Two days before Kiara was born, Kopa departed Pride Rock along with his lion cub best friend, Afua, and an adult lion named Amri who was one of Sâhasí's pride member and he became Kopa's mentor.

Kopa and Afua now stayed at the pride led by Sâhasí and there, Amri, along with Chitemo, trained Kopa. They were raised by Kopa's uncle and Nala's younger brother, Mheetu, and also grew up there. Whenever he's not in training, he often looked after the 2 month old Rani and her younger brother Baliyo who both enjoyed accompanying Kopa. Kopa was like a brotherly figure to Rani and Baliyo and Rani was unaware that Kopa was the brother of her lion cub friend that she met a while ago named Kion and also unaware of Kopa's resemblance to Kion.

Kopa sometimes visited the Pride Lands to check if everything's fine and he was present since the presentation ceremony of both Kiara and Kion.

One day, Kopa have to go to the Pride Lands to see how is his family but Baliyo stepped after him.

"I wanna come with you." said Baliyo, "I wanna go."

"No, Baliyo. You stay here with your sister. Afua, keep an eye on them. I'll be back." said Kopa and left.

"Kopa, wait up!" called Baliyo but Kopa continued running to the fields, heading towards the Pride Lands.

"Baliyo, come on." called Afua and the disappointed Baliyo stepped towards Afua and Rani.

"Great. I never go anywhere." sighed Baliyo.

"Cheer up, brother. Someday, we can go anywhere." said Rani, "We can see new things around us."

Kopa crossed the grassy plains of the Pride Lands and there he met up with his friend, Asante the female hyena cub who was now the member of a clan of hyenas that respect the circle of life and scavenge for food.

Kopa crossed the grassy plains of the Pride Lands and there he met up with his friend, Asante the female hyena cub who was now the member of a clan of hyenas that respect the circle of life and scavenge for food

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"Welcome back to the Pride Lands, Kopa." greeted Asante.

"Hey, Asante. What brings you here?" asked Kopa.

"Just a little search for food to scavenge for." she replied, "And what brings you here? Checking out of your family and friends?"

"You guess it." replied Kopa, "I wonder how's my siblings doing today?"

"Let's check 'em out." said Asante, "You know, you're so mature. I wonder why you're so mature now."

"Me? Well, I have the responsibility to look after younger cubs." replied Kopa.

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