Return Of The Roar Part 1: The Roar Of The Elders

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Days later, Simba showed Kiara the entire Pride Lands as their kingdom like what Mufasa did to Simba when he was little.

"Everything the light touches is part of our kingdom. The Pride Lands." said Simba, "Ruling it is a big responsibility, Kiara. And someday, when you're queen..."

"Heads up! Incoming!" yelled Kion as the baobab fruit thumped onto Simba's head.


"Oh. Sorry, Dad." chuckled Kion, "Me and Bunga are playing baobab ball."

"And Kion couldn't handle the pass!" taunted Bunga.

"What? A giraffe couldn't handle it. You kicked it over my head!" said Kion.

"And you couldn't handle it!" Bunga taunted again.

"Yeah? Try to handle this!"

The two tugged the baobab ball from each other, much annoying for Kiara and Simba.

"Boys!" called Simba as Kion let go of the fruit to pay attention to his dad, "Kion, I need to talk to your sister. She'll be tracking gazelles with her friends today."

"Because I'm training to be..."

"Queen of the Pride Lands." said Kion with bored expression, "Yeah, yeah. I know all about it, Kiara."

"Least, I have my life figured out." scoffed Kiara, "What are you gonna grow up to be, little brother?"


"All right you two, that's enough." Simba intervened, "Kion, why don't you and Bunga go play somewhere else?"

"Yeah! I know the perfect place!" said Bunga as he ran towards the ledge and lifted up the baobab fruit in the air, "Hey, Kion! You'll never get the baobab fruit, no."

"Ha! You got nowhere to go, Bunga!"

"Says you! Zuka zama!" Bunga jumped from the ledge, dived into the tree and landed safely, "Catch me if you can, Kion!"

Bunga ran to the field with a baobab fruit on his forelimbs. And so was Kion as he ran after Bunga.

"Game on, Bunga! Later, Dad. Have fun tracking those gazelle, Kiara. I gotta get Bunga!"

"I can't believe we're related." sighed Kiara annoyingly.

"Kion will grow up someday." said Simba, "I hope."

"Of course, he'll grow up." said a voice who was Kopa.

"Son. You're back." said Simba.

"Hey, Dad. Kiara. Training to be queen?" asked Kopa.

"I am. But one...I mean, two had just interrupted my training." replied Kiara.

"He's just a little cub. So was Bunga." chuckled Kopa, "Always love playing like I did before but now..."

"You are matured. I know." said Kiara, "How odd to be a matured cub starting in the age of 6 months old?"

"Really odd." smiled Kopa, "Now, I better look after Kion. Have fun, Kiara! Enjoy your training!"

Meanwhile, Kion and Bunga continued playing baobab ball as they ran to the fields, passed the herd of giraffes and Rafiki's tree, crossed the watering hole where Beshte was and ran to the another grassy fields where Fuli was racing. While playing, the two were heading towards the cliffs of the Outlands and there, their baobab fruit fell down.

"Aww. It rolled into the Outlands." said Kion, "Game over."

"Says who? I'm not afraid of the Outlands." said Bunga.

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