Kiara's First Hunt

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Author's Note: So, we're back at the Pride Lands. And I think it's time to do some part of The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride events. Wanna know what happened at the Pride Lands? Yeah, me too.

Many months later in Africa...

"You are ready!" said Zira and circled around the adolescent Kovu, "Nice... very nice. You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had. What is your destiny?"

"I will avenge Scar... take his place in the Pride Lands." replied Kovu.

"Yes! What have I taught you?"

"Simba is the enemy."

"And what must you do?"

"I must kill him!"


It's been many months passed by and Kiara had completed her training as a queen, along with Zuri. The following day will be Kiara's first hunt.

The next day came. Kiara was ready to go on a hunt as she stood on the edge of Pride Rock, watching the sunrise.

"You ready, Kiara?" called Zuri.

"I am." replied Kiara.

"Good luck for your first hunt, Kiara." said Tiifu.

"You're not coming, Tiifu?" asked Kiara.

"No. I prefer to stay here." replied Tiifu.

"And I'm going to leave Pride Rock." added Zuri, "I need to do some tasks as a future queen."

"Wait. You're leaving?"

"Yeah. After all, I'll be queen there soon. But don't worry, I can go back here anytime." said Zuri.

"But... I will miss our time here." said Tiifu sadly, "Together... as... best friends."

"It's okay, Tiifu." replied Zuri, "I'll be back soon. Kiara, good luck on your hunt."

"Thanks, Zuri." said Kiara and nuzzled her, "We'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you. I guess this is goodbye. I'll see you soon."

Zuri made a few steps down Pride Rock until she walked away towards Kopa's land.

"There she goes." sighed Kiara, "First, Kopa, then, Kion and now... Zuri. Looks like our friends and family are slowly leaving here."

"I think I'm gonna leave here soon." said Tiifu, "Afua lives there with Kopa."

"Well, it is time." said Kiara, "For my first hunt."

Later, Kiara was ready to take part in her first hunt. Simba was quite worried and sad, but he sighed gently and forced a smile when Nala reached him. Kiara was nervous at first but she knew she can do it. She walked through the assembled lionesses (Tiifu wasn't there) and towards her parents. All of the lionesses wished her luck, so were her parents.

"You'll do just fine." smiled Nala as she nuzzled Kiara. Then, Kiara noticed Simba looked vaguely glum.

"Daddy... you have to promise to let me do this on my own." Kiara said, "Promise?"

Simba paused and glanced at Nala, who raised her eyebrows at him. He rolled his eyes upward acquiescently.

"All right... I promise." replied Simba and her daughter nuzzled him before she left.

Now, the Lion Guard was absent in the Pride Lands and Simba was back of being so overprotective to Kiara, knowing the Pride Lands were defenseless without Kion and the Lion Guard.

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