Return Of The Roar Part 2: Lion Guard Assemble

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Kion came to the watering hole and looked at his reflection.

"Wow! Me! Leader of the Lion Guard." he said, "Protectors of the Pride Lands! It's kinda scary."

"Hey, Kion! Kion!" cried Bunga and he splashed into the water, "Ready to start assembling the Lion Guard? Huh? Now? Yeah? Huh?"

"Yes!" replied Kion, "Just stop splashing me!"

"Splashing? Oh. Sorry, Kion."

"Hakuna matata, Bunga. Now c'mon! Time to assemble the Lion Guard!"

Now, Kion had to find some animals to be member of the Lion Guard.

"Dad said the Lion Guard needs the Pride Lands' bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight." said Kion, "So I think I'll go ask the bravest animal in the Pride Lands first."

"Kion, wait! Before you go asking whoever you think is the bravest, think about this." said Bunga "I might not be the biggest honey badger. But I know what's in my heart. And I'm not afraid of anything, or anyone!"

"I know, Bunga. That's why..."

"I'll help the Lion Guard fight hyenas." Bunga continued, "Or jackals! Or crocodiles! Or vultures! Or great big rock slides or wild fires or floods! I will stand with the Lion Guard! I'll never give up! I'll, I'll..."

"Why don't you stop talking so I can ask you to join the Lion Guard?" said Kion.

"Say what?"

"Come on, Bunga! You're the bravest animal I know! I want you to be the first to join the new Lion Guard."

"ZUKA ZAMA!!!" Bunga shouted out, "You couldn't have made a better choice. We're gonna make a great team. I can't wait to tell Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa."

Then, they heard someone screamed in panic in the distance.

"Kion! Do you hear that?" asked Bunga. Kion knew who's screaming.

"Sounds like Kiara's friend, Zuri." replied Kion.

"And she needs help. Our help! It's our first adventure! Lion Guard to the rescue!" said Bunga and ran off to find Zuri.

"Lion Guard to the rescue? Hey! Bunga, wait up!"

Zuri got her claws of her left forepaw stuck on a log as she sharpened her claws.

"Hold still, Zuri. Timon and Pumbaa said they know how to help." said Tiifu.

"Where am I gonna go, Tiifu? I'm stuck." whined Zuri.

"You wouldn't be stuck if you didn't keep stopping to sharpen your claws on every other tree." sighed Kiara.

"But Kiara, if I don't keep them sharp, they don't stay shiny!" said Zuri, showing her shiny claws of her right forepaw. Timon and Pumbaa arrived with a stick that may useful to get Zuri's claws out of the log.

"Don't worry, ladies. Me and Pumbaa have everything under control." said Timon as he inserted the stick under Zuri's claws.

"Timon's right." added Pumbaa, "We used to help Simba get his claws out of logs all the time."

"And you're sure about this?" asked Kiara.

"Sure, I'm sure." replied Timon, "If it weren't for us, your dad would still be stuck to a tree somewhere. Ready, Pumbaa?"


"Okay, on three. One... Two..."

Pumbaa was about to help Zuri's claws out the log when Bunga arrived.

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