This Land Have Us

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Now the Pride Lands have the Lion Guard, led by Kion, to defend the circle of life. At the land where Sâhasí's pride was, Kopa told Chitemo and Amri about Kion's Lion Guard and his Roar of the Elders while he was training.

"Your brother has the Roar of the Elders? I thought it was gone since Scar roared at me." said Chitemo.

"It may be gone for a long time but now it's back." replied Kopa as he pushed a large rock as part of his training, "Maybe the Great Kings chose my brother to be the leader of the Lion Guard. Also, his team isn't made up of lions but his friends."

"Don't you think Kopa's little brother will master the roar?" asked Amri.

Chitemo and Kopa both were in a bit of shock after hearing what Amri said.

"Master the roar? What do you mean master the roar?" both asked enthusiastically at the same time.

"Well, to master the Roar of the Elders, the user have to train to use the roar's full power." Amri explained, "Like what Askari did. He trained his roar somewhere near the Tree of Life in Asia."

"I never knew that." said Chitemo.

"Neither am I." added Kopa, "I don't think Kion could get there to master his roar. The Tree of Life is very, very far, you know."

"I know." replied Amri, "It'll be difficult for a uh... How old is your little brother, Kopa?"

"5 months old."

"Yup, it's difficult for a young cub in that age to train for mastering the roar." Amri explained "Only in the sub-adult age can begin to train."

"Yeah. Although, Kion is still a cub but he has friends to team up with." said Kopa, "But me? I can't protect this land all by myself. I really need my friends to help me. Unless, I'll assemble my own team! I better get my friends now. See ya later."

Kopa came towards the area where the rest of the pride were laying down, watching over the cubs. Kopa looked for his best friend, Afua, and then, Baliyo tried to pounce at Kopa but he missed it and tumbled over on the ground.

"Uhh... Gotcha?" said Baliyo who was slightly embarrassed.

"That's a good pounce, Baliyo." chuckled Kopa, "Anyway, have you seen Afua?"

"Afua? He's over there with Rani." replied Baliyo, "I can take you to him."

So Baliyo guided Kopa towards Afua. Afua was watching over Rani who was trying to pounce at the grasshopper. Rani tried again to catch the grasshopper but she failed.

"It wasn't easy for you to catch something small but a little bit fast." said Afua.

"I wanna try again." said Rani, "I wanna learn."

"Hunting can be hard, Rani." said Afua, "With a little training, you can catch anything you want."

"Afua!" called Kopa who had just approached and Rani rubbed against Kopa.

"What's up, Kopa?" asked Afua.

"We need to talk. In private." replied Kopa. So Afua and Kopa walked few steps away from Rani and Baliyo.

"What are you gonna talk about?"

"Look. You know that I protected this land all by myself for a long time but I can't do this alone."

"So you're going to ask me to help you on your duty?" asked Afua.

"Not just that, Afua." replied Kopa, "You know that my little brother is now the leader of the new Lion Guard, a group who protects the Pride Land. The Pride Lands have the Lion Guard for protection and this land have only me or the rest. All I want now is to assemble my own team to protect this land. I can't do this alone."

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