Battle For The Pride Lands Part 1: Growing Up

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A lot of destruction caused by Scar's army such as the destruction of Kilio Valley and Mizimu Grove but The Lion Guard, with the help of Kopa's team, Jasiri's clan and some Pride Landers, still protected the Pride Lands and defended the circle of life against Scar's army for a long time. Now, Kopa and his friends returned back to Chitemo's pride for continuing their duty of patrolling the land and it's up to the Lion Guard to continue their duty of protecting the Pride Lands.

A year later, most of the young animals began to grow up and Kion was now 1 year old or 18 months old as he looked muscular, his mane had grown larger, his spots on his legs slowly faded and of course, his Roar of the Elders became stronger. At the Tree of Life, Rani and Baliyo were also growing up and they can able to fight off the enemies. Like Kion, Rani was also 18 months old but becoming mature and her role as a Night Pride leader made her to be cynical and headstrong.

Anyway, back to the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard always foiled Scar's plans to destroy the Pride Lands again and again. This time, the Guard sent Scar's army away to the Outlands by Kion's roar again.

"Well done, Kion. Lion Guard." congratulated Simba as he and Rafiki approached.

"Your Majesty." greeted Ono.

"Thanks, Dad." replied Kion.

"Yes, yes! Kion and the Lion Guard are growing up." said Rafiki, "And Kion's roar is more powerful than ever."

"Yes. That's true." agreed Simba.

"Dad? What is it?" asked Kion.

"You and the Guard have proven you can defend the Pride Lands." replied Simba, "But it hasn't stopped Scar's army. We need a change in strategy. I say, we take the fight with Scar into the Outlands."

Simba's words made the Guard, including Anga and Jasiri, gasped.

"'Bout time if you ask me." said Bunga.

"It is time." said Simba, "Time to defeat Scar and his followers, once and for all."

"Dad, even if we defeat Scar's army, we don't know how to defeat Scar himself." said Kion.

"Without his followers, Scar will be powerless and we can have peace in the Pride Lands once again." replied Simba.

"We can help, too, Your Majesty." said Jasiri, "My hyenas know the Outlands better than anyone."

"Thank you, Jasiri."

"Well...I guess if everyone who respects the circle of life helps us." said Kion.

"Yes! Yes! Everyone can help!" Rafiki agreed.

"Right. Lion Guard, we need everyone who's willing to fight." Kion told.

"I'll get the crocs and antelopes." replied Fuli.

"I'll talk to the elephants and rhinos." said Beshte.

"Anga and I will assemble the birds." added Ono.

"And I'll get the galagoes." said Bunga.


"I know what you're thinking." replied Kion, "But if we're invading the Outlands, we'll need all the help we can get."

"Talking about getting more help, you know who you really need, Kion." said Fuli.

"I know who you're talking about." replied Kion, "And I'll be right back."

Kion left the Pride Lands and crossed to the other land where Kopa and his friends were. Kion reunited his big brother who was patrolling the land.

As a 22 month old adolescent, Kopa's appearance resembled the adolescent Simba as Kopa retained much of the appearance he had as a cub. His mane grew larger from top of his head to the back of his neck, his body grew muscular and he has tufts growing on his cheeks.

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