Kopa's Future Queen

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A day later, Kopa was meditating and his friends were taking a rest when he noticed Chitemo talking to Amri, seemingly having an important talk. Kopa stepped towards them.

"Hey. What's with the talk about?" asked Kopa.

"Oh, Kopa. We were just talking about... Chitemo's decision to pass his leadership of our pride to the others when he's going to be retired." replied Amri.

"Wait, you're going to retire right now?!" gasped Kopa.

"Not now, Kopa." chuckled Chitemo, "Soon. I made a decision to choose Amri to be the next leader of our pride soon."

"But the bad news, I refused." said Amri, "I can't be a next leader."

"Come on, Amri. It's not really bad of being a leader." replied Chitemo, "After all, I'm just a lone lion without mate or cubs. I tried to pass the leadership of the pride to Mheetu but he refused."

"Sorry, I can't. I'm not a good leader."

"If Amri and Uncle Mheetu won't be the next leader, then who will?" asked Kopa.

Kopa, Amri and Chitemo thought for long until... Chitemo and Amri stared at Kopa! The young lion realized what they meant.

"Me?!" gasped Kopa, "But it's early to make me the next leader. I'm too young."

"Well, soon you'll be the next leader of this pride." replied Chitemo.

"That's right. You're the king's son and you can lead this pride." added Amri, "Like the way of being a leader of your team."

Kopa paused and began to think.

"Hmmm... Being a leader of a pride might not be such a bad idea for me." said Kopa, "I could be the next leader but... I'm not gonna be the leader of this pride soon."

"What? What do you mean?" asked Amri.

"It means that soon, this pride and this land... will have a king." replied Kopa.


"That's right. As a son of the king, soon, I'll be the king of this land."

"Are you sure you'll be a king?" asked Chitemo.

"I'm really sure, of course." replied Kopa, "I know the ways of being a king."

Later, Kopa told his team about the next leader of the pride who'll become king. The result: they were shocked.

"You?! You'll be the king?!" gasped Afua.

"I know, guys." replied Kopa, "It's quite kushangaza, isn't it?"

"I don't think so." said Pimbi, "I'm not sure you'll be a great king."

"Hey, I know that ways of being a ruler." said Kopa.

"It's because he's the king's son." added Asante, "And being a ruler is a great responsibility."

"Correct, Asante."

"And I'm really sure you'll be the great king, Kopa. Just like your dad." said Afua.

"Yeah. I'm sure I am."


Meanwhile at Pride Rock...

"What?! You fall in love with Afua?!" gasped Zuri after Tiifu told her that she loved Afua.

"Actually, he fell in love with me first before me." Tiifu explained.

"And I've told him to try to confess his feelings to you." said Kiara, "Seems it worked."

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