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It's been a while since the Guard and Kopa's team defended the Pride Lands from the Outlanders during dry season. But this time in rainy season, no trouble happened in the Pride Lands and the two groups had time for a break but still they checked out the Pride Lands if there's something happen.

Now, they're having a shading rest, watching the view of the Pride Lands and playing baobab ball.

"Who wants to play baobab ball?" called Bunga as he raised the fruit up, "Anyone?"

"Alright! I really missed that game. I'm in!" said Kion.

"Is it fun?" asked Pimbi.

"Of course it's fun." replied Bunga, "Seems you're too small enough for this game."

"Never mind about that." said Pimbi and returned to rest.

"Okay, I'm in." said Kopa.

"Alright, brother. Game on!" called Kion, "Hey, what about you, Afua?"

"No thanks. Maybe I should have an alone time." replied Afua, "You guys play and I'll hang out by myself."

"Okay. If you say so. Just the three of us." said Kion. So Kion, Kopa and Bunga were only playing while the rest were taking a rest and Afua walked away for having a lone time.

Afua came to a watering hole to stop for a drink. While he was drinking, a familiar voice was heard on his ears.

"Hi Afua!"

Afua was surprised that he coughed up water he drank after hearing her voice who was no other than Tiifu!

"Sorry I surprised you." giggled Tiifu, "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing? I'm drinking, of course." replied Afua and small sign of blush on his cheeks appeared, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know. Hanging out with Kiara and Zuri." she replied, "Are you alone?"

"Yeah. Just for a moment." said Afua, "If you're looking for the Lion Guard and Kopa, they're shading right at the tree."

"Okay. D'you think it's okay for you for being alone for a while?" asked Tiifu.

"Yeah. I've been spending a lot of time being alone." replied Afua.

"Hmmm. You're more like Fuli. I must go. See ya!"

So Tiifu left to go with Kiara and Zuri and Afua spent more time walking around all by himself.

An hour passed by, he still continued walking around in the fields. Afterwards, he heard Tiifu's voice again. She was calling Kiara and Zuri, looking for them.

"Tiifu? Something's up?" asked Afua as he stepped closer to her.

"There is. I was looking for Kiara and Zuri and I think I lost them." replied Tiifu, "I'm quite slow to catch up with them so I'm looking for them."

"Maybe they're back at Pride Rock." said Afua.

"Maybe. I should go back now."

"I'm coming with you." said Afua and he joined with Tiifu. Then, Afua noticed a drop of water falling from the sky and he noticed the dark clouds covering the sky.

"Geez, looks like it's raining." said Afua. Tiifu looked up and felt a raindrop on her nose.

"It is. We better hurry. I don't wanna get soaked in the rain." said Tiifu.

So the two cubs ran hurriedly to Pride Rock before it'll rain.

Meanwhile, Kion, Kopa and Bunga ended their game after realizing the weather changed for the worse. Then, Kiara and Zuri came towards them.

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