Afua's Visit To The Pride Lands

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Kopa was pretty upset with Rani and Baliyo because of their trouble with the hyenas at the Shadowlands and so the two siblings were grounded for forbidding to go anywhere for two weeks. Now, Kopa had made up with them and he accepted their apologies. Sâhasí had told Kopa that whenever he's not on duty, he had to stay to watch over Rani and Baliyo.

This time, Kopa was not on his duty, so he stayed to watch over them. He told Afua to check out the Pride Lands and his family to see how is everything. As Afua travelled to the Pride Lands, he called Beba for a company.

"Why did he sent you to check the Pride Lands?" asked Beba as he walked alongside Afua.

"Maybe he relies on me." replied Afua, "Also, going to Pride Rock feels like I'm going home. I really missed my homeland. And I can't wait to see my family there and meet Kopa's siblings too."

"I don't miss the Pride Lands because I stayed there." said Beba, "I only came to this land when we're on duty. Lucky for today, it's our day off. Anyway Afua, you haven't met his siblings before. Do you think you recognize their identities as Kopa's siblings?"

"I never met them both." replied Afua, "What about you? You stayed at the Pride Lands and did you recognized them?"

"I already recognized their identities but don't worry. I'll help you to find them." said Beba.

"Thanks, Beba. But first, we have to go to Pride Rock. I have to see my family there."

They came to Pride Rock and reunited with his family and his friends too. When it's time to see Kion and Kiara, they walked towards the royal den. As they walked towards the den, they walked passed the two lioness cubs but then, Afua stopped and looked at the young lioness cub with cream colored fur with a small tuft of fur sticking up from her head. Afua felt like the world slows down after seeing the young lioness cub.

"Afua! What are you waiting for?" called Beba.

"Uhh... Coming up!" said Afua, catching up with Beba, "Man, what am I doing?"

When they came to the entrance, they found that nobody was there.

"Where are they?" asked Afua.

"Don't ask me. I don't know." replied Beba, "Anyway, what's up with you? You seemed a little stun a while ago."

"I'm not stunned!" replied Afua, "It's nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing to me." said Beba, "Stop denying it. Tell me what's up with you?"

"I don't wanna tell." said Afua, "Now, come on. We have to find the royal family."

As they went down the Pride Rock entryway, Kiara, Kion and the Lion Guard arrived.

"Beba?" called Fuli.

"Oh. Young Fuli!" said Beba as he went towards the king cheetah cub.

"Will you stop calling me 'young'?!" Fuli complained, "You know that I'm not little anymore. Anyway, what brings you here?"

"Oh. Me and Afua were sent by Kion and Kiara's big brother, Kopa." replied Beba.

"Wait a second, big brother?" said Fuli who was a little surprised.

"Kion and Kiara had a big brother." Bunga explained, "I've met him when we're little. Right, Kion?"

"Yeah." replied Kion, "Nice to meet you, Afua. I'm Kion, leader of the Lion Guard."

"And I'm Kiara. I'm ruling the Pride Lands today while Mom and Dad were away for a few days. They're in Kilio Valley."

"I'm Afua, Kopa's best friend." added Afua, "Nice to meet you, Kiara and Kion."

"Anyway, why did Kopa sent you here?" asked Kiara.

"Well, Kopa sent us to check out the Pride Lands, especially you two." replied Afua, "He stayed there, having a duty of...babysitting."

"Really?" chuckled Kiara.

Afterwards, Afua and Beba joined the moment with Kion and Kiara as they walked behind Pride Rock where some lionesses rested. Kiara ran ahead towards her best friends, Tiifu and Zuri. The two lioness cubs stepped forward to Kion.

"Kion, we're sorry for everything, remarking that you're...not like Kiara." Tiifu apologized and Zuri nodded from what Tiifu had said, "Mostly, you're right on everything, except ignoring Kiara's first decree."

"Apology accepted." said Kion, "Glad that you two made an apology."

"Thanks for that." smiled Tiifu.

Afua, once again, stared at Tiifu for long but Beba interrupted him by elbowing him.

"You know, something was up with you." said Beba.

"What do you mean?" asked Afua, pretending to be innocent.

"Stop denying it, Afua!" said Beba, "Admit it!"

"What's going on?" asked Kion who went closer towards them.

"Something's up with Afua." replied Beba, "Come on, Afua. Admit it. What's up with you?"

"Okay, okay! Fine. I admit it. But Kion, I got a question for you. Who's that cub you're talking to?" asked Afua, pointing to a young cub with cream colored fur.

"Oh. You mean her? That's Tiifu." replied Kion, "She's one of Kiara's best friends. She may be snarky but she's caring."

"Is that so?"

"Wait. Don't tell got a crush on Tiifu, aren't you?" said Beba with a smug look.

"Wait, what?" gasped Kion, feeling enthusiastic.

"I hate to admit it but... Yeah. It's now on my list of my secrets." replied Afua.

"Oooh! Well then, okay, Afua. We won't tell her. Promise. But first... go and have a moment with her!" said Beba as pushed Afua that he fell down the edge and tumbled down to a stop right in front of Tiifu.


"Afua? Are you okay?" asked Kiara.

"I'm fine." groaned Afua and he stood up.

"Who's that, Kiara?" asked Zuri.

"He's Afua, my brother's best friend. As in my big brother." replied Kiara, "Afua, these are my best friends, Zuri and Tiifu."

"Nice to meet... Ow!" Afua and Tiifu greeted to each other at the same time, along with a bow but both of their heads hit each other.

"Sorry. My bad." both said to each other as they rubbed their heads and then, Tiifu chuckled when she and Afua both saying at the same time and she made a friendly smile at Afua, causing him to blush.

"Someone's in love." said Beba in a low voice as he elbowed Kion which he rolled his eyes with a smug on his face.

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