Welcome To The Tree Of Life

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The Lion Guard and Makini took a few months of journeying to the Tree of Life in Asia by following the Moja Kwa Moja stones on every landmarks. On their journey, they met several animals from outside the Africa and also Fuli met Azaad for the first time.

They battled Makucha and his leopards who were following them to feast rare animals from the Tree of Life and they also encountered new enemies such as Chunlunn the snow leopard and Ora and his Komodo dragons. During on their journey, Kion often acted rude and aggressive due to an irritating pain of his scar but his friends offered him tuliza blossoms for soothing the pain. Because of his scar, Kion stopped talking to Mufasa out of shame because his scar made him look like Scar.

This time, the Lion Guard and Makini finally reached the last location leading to the Tree of Life: the large frozen lake with a mountain pass.

"The last Moja Kwa Moja stone is on the other side of the lake." called Anga.

"We're almost at the Tree of Life." said Ono.

"I know. Finally." said Kion, "Anga, how long will it take to go around the lake?"

"It's pretty big. Could take all night." replied Anga after checking out.

"Then, let's get going." said Kion as he rubbed his scar.

Then, they discovered that the lake is frozen solid. To get to the other side faster, they decided to cross the frozen lake. They were in the center of the lake but then, it went to a big problem when Beshte realized...

"Uh-oh. The ice is cracking!"

The ice cracked larger and into pieces.

"Everyone, run!" called Kion.

They quickly ran from cracking ice and all of them got to the shore. Well, most all of them...

"Help! Help!" cried Makini as she's stuck on a piece of ice.


"Anga, can you reach her?" asked Kion.

"The wind from my wings might tip the ice she's standing on." replied Anga.

"It's up to us, Fuli."

Kion and Fuli arrived and rescued Makini to the shore. After rescuing Makini, Kion's scar irritated him again.

"Makini, I think I want some tuliza." he said.

"Sure, Kion." replied Makini and was about to offer him some tuliza when she realized..., "Oh no, my staff! It must have slipped off when I fell in the water."

Anga flew above the lake to search her staff but no sign of it.

"So we don't have any tuliza?" asked Kion.

"Sorry Kion." replied Makini.

"It's okay." said Kion, "At least now we're close to the last Moja Kwa Moja stone. Right, Anga?"

"Yup. Right over there."

When they found the Moja Kwa Moja stone, Ono realized that there was a problem.

"Oh no."

"What is it, Ono?" Fuli asked.

"I just realized. Without Makini's staff, we can't bring the painting to life." said Ono.


"So, we can't be sure it's really a Moja Kwa Moja stone."

"But you remember Rafiki's map, don't you, Ono?" asked Kion, "If this is the last Moja Kwa Moja stone, then the Tree of Life must be nearby."

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