The beginning

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We accept the love we think deserve.

It was 2 AM. Millie was lying awake in her bed in her room. She was thinking of all the stuff she had to do: fotoshoots, interviews, talk shows, keeping her social media up to date. It was much, but thankgod she had the best managers in the world: her parents.

After lying awake for like thirteen minutes she decided to listen to some music. She picked up her phone from the bedside table. When she unlocked it she saw all the notifications: thousands notifications from Instagram, 50 snapchats and like 150 notifications from WhatsApp. Sometimes she wish she could just go offline for a couple days. But she had to be on social media, otherwise all of her fans would be mad. She always had to be happy in front of everyone, even though she wasn't feeling like it. She was American's Sweetheart. The British girl from Spain that was one of American's biggest actresses. She put on some music. Seven Wonders from Fleetwood Mac started playing. she closed her eyes when she felt the person next to her moving. As fast as she could she turned around and pretended like she was asleep.


It was 11 AM in the morning and Millie just woke up. She was alone again in her room. At 12 AM she had an appointment with her parents. They were going to talk about all the upcoming events for the upcoming weeks. She walked to the shower and turned it as warm as she could. She was literally freezing. After that she was getting dressed: full glam make up and a beautiful blazer with a matching trousers. She knew it would be her parents that where coming, but even though she knew they liked it if she was looking fine. She didn't feel like eating, so just grabbed a cracker. Then she heard the bell ring.

She walked to the door and welcomed her parents to her own little house. She was always happy to see her parents, but because they where her managers she always felt the distance. They walked to the table and sat down. "Mill, we have to talk about all the upcoming events", her father said. Not even a 'hello, how are you doing', Millie thought by herself. "Yes, we have made a schedule for the upcoming weeks, we'll take a look at it", her mother said. 

Millie went to the kitchen to get some coffee and put on some record on her record player. She kind of liked the retro vibes. She got back to the table and her mother showed her the schedule. It was full, like everyday there was something she had to attend. She read through it: Monday - photoshoot Vogue, Tuesday audition for a role, Wednesday interview at the Ellen Show and before that another photoshoot. She flipped through the schedule until she saw something striking: 

interview with the cast of Stranger Things. 

"Wait, what?" she asked. "What honey? Did we miss something?", her mother asked. "No, but I didn't know about this", she pointed at the interview at the Late Night Show. "Oh yeah, well apparently there was some interest in a Stranger Things cast reunion. They asked if you would be there so we said yes", her father answers. "And the whole cast will be there?", she asked. "Of course honey, but why are you being so suprised? You talk to Noah and Sadie like every week. And you saw Gaten and Caleb like two months ago". She knew that het mother was going to say that. It was true. After she finished filming the last season of the hitserie Stranger Things last year she kept in touch with almost everyone. 

Except with Finn. That name... Finn Wolfhard. 

She hasn't seen him in like a year. She didn't know if she could see him again, it would be hard. "Millie?", her father said. She got out her thoughts and looked at him. "Why are you being so weird about it? We thought it would be nice to meet up with your friends." "Yeah, it's fine I was just thinking about how amazing it would be!", she said and she lied.


After her parents where gone, she looked at the info about the reunion again. It would take place in New York in like three weeks. "Three weeks", she said to herself, "three weeks to prepare and to tell him about the reunion". She had to tell him, but at the idea of that she already freaked out. He would be angry. Really angry. 

She thought about the times that they were filming Stranger Things: all the good old memories. The cozy times with everyone, the laughs, the tears, all the scenes they did. She had made some friends for life, for ever. Noah and Sadie were like her best friends and knew everything about her. They talked so much. She wondered why she didn't told her about the reunion. They would be there right? She decided to call Noah.

"HEY MILLS!!!", she saw his face on her screen. Always that nickname. "Hey, how are you", she asked. "Well, I'm fine, very good actually since I just heard that... WE ARE HAVING A STRANGER THINGS REUNION". He just heard it as well, she thought. "Yeah, I heard so too", she said. "Well, you don't so happy about is Mills, what's wrong?". "You know what's wrong, Noah. Finn will be there and unlike you I haven't spoke to him this whole year, so Im a little bit stressed out about that". "Mills, everything will be fine. You just stay with me and just talk to him". "Yeah, I know". "Im just soooo excited Mills! This is going to be sooo much fun! We are going to that interview and after that we are going to see New York and have an awesome time!". 

"Wait, we only have to go to that interview right?". "Uhm, no. There are a few interviews honey, didn't you heard? We have a week there and we have all this hilarious activities. Some interviews aren't with the whole cast but just a few! Ooooh, Im sooo excited!". "Oh, I didn't know that. So we have to be there a whole week?" "Yes, and its going to be amazing Mills! I have to go know, moms calling. Talk to you soon!". He hang up. Millie just sat staring. A whole week, a whole freaking week. How was she going to handle this??


She heard the door. She stood up and looked in the mirror. Then she heard his voice: 

"Millie, Im home. I have got us some pizza." 

She walked to the living room and looked right into the eyes of Jacob. 

She picked up the pizza he got. "Thanks", she said. She sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. He sat down next to her and pulled her against him. "What are we going to watch, babe?" Millie just didn't reacted. She had to tell him, she had to. She knew he was going to be mad. He was going to be mad about the fact that Finn would be her. She knew it. "Uhm Jacob, uhm...". "What's wrong babe?", he answered. 

"Well, my parents came by and told me my schedule for the upcoming weeks. I have a lot of photoshoots, and a lot of interviews." "So? You are always busy. Im used to it." "Well, I have this event in like three weeks. It's important that I will be there. And it's uhm like a reunion of the Stranger Things cast". He locked eyes with her. "What?!", he said. "Yeah, it's in New York and I will have to be there for like a week, because there are a few interviews and some activities." He looked furious. "Will Finn be there?", he asked straight away. "Yeah, of course. But I will do everything to avoid him, I promise!" Jacob stood up and slapped the pizza out of her hands. "If I hear one thing about you two Millie, one thing, you know what is going to happen." "Jacob, you have to let me just do my work and you know I haven't talked to him in a year because of you!". He grabbed her wrist and looked her in the eye. "I swear Mill." She knew he meant it. She knew she couldn't talk to Finn much. She could do it. She could be in the interviews and smile and do all the activities and just ignore Finn. She could do it, she had to do it.


She laid in bed. Staring at the ceiling. She thought about that night. She listened some music. But she couldn't sleep, again. Next to her Jacob was sleeping already. She stood up and walked to the window. She stared at the stars. She knew she couldn't think about it, but one tiny thought in her mind did it even though: she missed him, she missed Finn. She knew she couldn't, but she missed every little thing about their friendship. But she had to stay strong, she had to get through that week. She belonged to Jacob. 


Writers Note: I hope you guys like it:) I love to write and its just relaxing for me! I guess new chapter will come soon (next few days)! Let me know what you think about it! Im sorry for my mistakes, but English is not my first language:) See u soon!!!

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