Friends, people you do anything for.

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Oh, don't you let me go.

Oh, got a hold on you.

I've got a hold on you.

I've got a hold on you tonight.

Magic by The Cars. 

After a six hour flight, they finally landed on JFK. Millie was asleep the whole flight. Noah tried to wake her up: "Mills, wake up. We're in New York, finally!" 

She murmured and turned her face away. "Mills, we really have to get up. We have to leave the plane." "I just... I just need to sleep Noah shut up." He grabbed her shoulders and tried to shake her awake. "Stop it, Noah." "Mills, we really have to go now", Sadie said. 

Millie finally opened her eyes and she saw that the whole airplane was empty. "Where's everyone?" Noah replied: "We are the last ones to leave the plane, because of all the press outside." Millie finally realized that they had to go. They packed their belongings and got out of the plane. When they got their suitcases and walked through the doors to get to their ride, there was paparazzi everywhere. 

"Just what I was scared of", Noah said. Sadie was being excited and answered some questions. Millie was still a little bit sleepy, but when she saw the cameras she immediately changed: she was America's sweetheart. She was posing and smiling. 

Then the questions came: "Millie, how are things with you and Finn Wolfhard?" "Millie, is there going to be a interview with just you and Finn?" They were asking all kind of questions about him. She just stood there, didn't know what to say. 

"Everything is fine between us and I don't know if there is some exclusive interview with just the two of us", she answered. Noah was always surprised how good she was at answering questions. She was always so naturel in front of the camera's. Millie smiled and the photographers took photo's. She was acting happy and being sweet. 

Noah grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "Mills, you know you don't have to answer those questions, right?" "Yeah I know, Noah." She just answered some more questions about the projects she was working on. He didn't knew how she did it. She was so sleepy like a minute a go, but now she was being this perfect girl who was always happy. He decided to let her be that girl for a second. 

They walked through all te reporters, Sadie behind them. They saw their names on a sign that a man was holding. They walked towards it. "Hello guys! I'm Adam. I'm the one responsible for this whole week: the activities, the interviews, everything. You can say I'm kind of your manager this week!" They introduced themselves and walked towards the car. It was a black, blinded car. They got in. Adam explained a few things about where they were going. They were headed to their hotel and after that they were going to the first interview this afternoon. After that they would go out for dinner with the whole cast and the crew and after that there was this party.

There would be a lot of press the whole day, so they had to look excellent. They gave them a schedule. It was really busy, but thanked they had some free time too. "Everyday there will be some kind of briefing at breakfast. Breakfast is every morning at 9 AM, and you have to be there. This is not some camp with strict rules, but we have a few. The first is that you have to attend the activities and all the interviews, unless there's some big reason you can't. The second is that you always look good, not casual or something. That was all for now. If there's anything important, we'll let you know", Adam said. 

The three of them nodded. "Alright!" They were almost at the hotel, it was just a few minutes outside New York. Millie was scrolling on her phone. Noah saw that she was nervous. Sadie saw it too and looked at Noah. "Mills, are you okay?" She looked at them. "Yeah I'm fine. I just haven't eating anything and I don't know." "Mills, you don't have to hide it that you're nervous. We get it", Sadie said. "Adam, will the others be at the hotel also? I mean like Finn, Gaten and Caleb", Noah asked. "Yes, they are there already." "And what is the call time for the interview this afternoon?" Noah asked. "Well, I think that we are at the hotel around 1 PM. So let's say... 2:30. You'll have some time to get ready. I know some of your make up artists will be there, so be sure that you are ready at 2:30", Adam replied. Noah nodded. Then they stopped. They arrived at the hotel. 

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