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Remember those walls I built

Well, baby, they're tumbling down

And they didn't even put up a fight

They didn't even make a sound

They arrived back at the hotel. Millie didn't said anything the whole way. They were in the elevator, on their way to their rooms. 

"Finn, what now?" "I don't know, Mills. I only know that I don't want to say goodbye tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that." "I don't want to say goodbye either, I hate saying goodbye." "I know that." A tiny smiled appeared around her lips. "I need to go back to LA, sooner or later. But, I uhm..." "What?" "No, it's nothing." "Mills, come on tell me." "I'm just thinking, I could try and talk to Jacob." "What are you going to say then?" "That I will be with him, but that he has to let me make my own decisions. And that I only will be with him in public." Finn looked at her. He didn't know if that would work, but it was probably Millies best shot to get her freedom back. "Maybe it's a good idea." "I just don't want to go tomorrow, you know that. But I have too. If I don't go back then things go out of hand. "What does he have on you, Mill? You need to tell me." "I can't Finn. You know that." She stared at the ground. She knew he hated that. "I know you want to know, but I can't tell you. Maybe someday, but not now." "But how can I understand all of this if I don't know the whole story?" She saw that he was frustrated. She grabbed his hand and placed it between her hands. His hands were like twice as long as hers, but that didn't matter. "Finn, look at me. I know this is messed up and stuff, but I promise you I will take care of it. I can do that." "I don't want you to be alone in this." "I'm not, because I know that you're here, and Noah, Sadie, Gaten and Caleb. And I'm forever grateful for that. You just, you have to trust me, Finn." He sighed. "Well, okay. I don't really have a choice here." 

It was quiet for a moment. "I need to pack my things and get a quick shower", Millie said. "Mills, it's like 1 AM." "I know, but I don't want to sleep yet. I want to hold on to today, because I felt happy and I haven't felt that in a long time." She was looking for her keycard. "You said that we there was a chance that we couldn't forget last year." Millie was surprised by his question. "I know." "What did it meant?" "Finn, just..." He saw that she was looking for words. "I said that because I was scared that you wouldn't forgive me. I would totally understand it if you didn't or don't. I screwed up, big time." While Millie said that, memories went through her head. 

"Stop acting like you're my freaking father Finn." "I'm not acting like I'm your father, Millie! Just listen to me for once." "I listened to you for a hundred times. You know that I always listen to you, but you keep insulting Jacob! I know that you hate it that we are hanging out again and..." Millie was quiet. "And what Mills?" "And I know that we, you and I, maybe shared some moments that we weren't supposed to have, since we were 'just friends'. But I went with Jacob on one date and you're freaking out?!" Finn looked at her. They were at their trailer on the set of Stranger Things. "I don't get why you are hanging out with him. I want to tell you why, but you won't let me!" "Jeeeez Finn! You've been avoiding me since the moment that you found about me and him!" "Because Millie, because..." "Because freaking what?" "Because I thought that we were starting to" He couldn't find the words. "Because I thought that we were starting to become maybe more than friends! I thought that you felt the same for me, Mills. I thought that maybe we were more than friendship, maybe we could be together someday. All the jokes everyone made, I knew it was true and you know it too. We were more than friends and you freaking know it." Millie was quiet. She didn't knew what to say. "But apparently, I was wrong." 

"Mills? I'm talking to you!" Millie woke up from her thoughts. "S-sorry, I was just thinking." "About what?" "Finn, are you 100% sure that you can forgive me?" "Mills, how many times do I have to say it again?" "I know, I know. But it's just been a few days and..." "So what?" "I'm just scared that people will think that I'm using you or something." "Let them think. I know that it isn't like that and that's what counts." She smiled at him. She didn't deserved him. She really didn't. "I don't deserve you, I don't deserve you as my friend, I don't deserve you at all." He stepped closer to her and he smelled her scent. He felt her breath on his neck. "Don't say that. Don't ever say that again." He knew Millie was insecure and that she acted as the most confident girl on earth when she was in the spotlights. But he knew that it wasn't like that at all. 

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