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Fire on fire would normally kill us,

With this much desire, together, we're winners.

They say that we're out of control and some say we're sinners,

But don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms.

A strip of sunlight came through the curtains. Millie opened her eyes and her hand went to her head immediately. It thumped so badly and she was feeling nauseous.
She thought about last night. She and alcohol weren't the best combination. She screwed up. Big time.

Suddenly she heard someone coming down the stairs. "Mill?" Sadie came walking towards her. "What are you doing here?" Millie lifted up from the couch. "Sleeping." Sadie sat down next to her. "Why the hell are you sleeping here?" She sighed. "I-I... Me and Finn got into a fight." "What? Why? You were literally almost melting with each other last night on the couch." "I know, but I just... I screwed up S. I was so drunk and I hate myself."

Sadie grabbed her hand. "What happened?" Millie began to tell the story. Meanwhile Caleb came downstairs as well and he sat down next to his girlfriend. They both listened to Millie and tried to comfort her.

".... and then I said that I was done with all this shit. But I didn't mean to say it... It was just me being drunk and he hurt me by saying that about the photos." Sadie shook her head. "We heard some noise coming from your room, but we thought actually that it was something else.." Caleb burst out in laughing while he said it. Sadie poked him in his arm. "Honey!"

Millie smiled a bit, but she felt horrible. "I don't know what to do now, guys..." Sadie grabbed her other hand. "It's going to be fine. I know he hurt you a bit, but he didn't mean to. I know that for sure, that's not like Finn." Millie nodded.

"We thought we could go to the village nearby today?" Sadie went further. "Yeah, sounds nice. I still have to buy Finn a present for his birthday tomorrow. If he wants to celebrate with me..." "Mills, he surely wants that!" Caleb tried to be positive about it.

Suddenly Sadie stood up. "I'm going to make breakfast!" She grabbed Millies hand again and pulled her up. "Come on!" They walked towards the kitchen. "I'm going to check on Finn, alright?" Caleb pointed up. "Yeah, sure", Sadie answered.

While the girls were baking waffles, Caleb got to Finns room, knocking on the door. "Who's there?" His low, raspy voice answered the pounding. "It's me dude, can I come in?" "Be my guest." Caleb grabbed the door handle and went inside.

Finn was lying on the bed. The sheets covering his face. The curtains were open and there were clothes everywhere. Caleb sat down.

"I suppose Millie already told you everything?" Finn pulled the sheets down. Looking at this friend. "Well, I came downstairs and suddenly she's lying on the couch, so yeah, she told us about your fight."

"It's pretty messed up, right?" Caleb sighed. "I don't know, man... Mill was pretty drunk yesterday, and she shouldn't have said those things about being done with everything... But I think she got hurt by what you said about the photos and..."

"I know, I know alright. But she was being ridiculous! She said that I deserved someone better and that I don't trust her..."

"I know, but... Just talk to her, alright?" Caleb tried to encourage his friend. Finn nodded. "I'll try... What are the plans for today?" "We wanted to visit the village nearby, do you want to come?" "Yeah, sounds nice."

Caleb stood up. "Mills and Sadie are making breakfast, do you want something special?"

Finn shook his head. "No thanks, I'll be down in a minute." He grabbed his phone and Caleb saw that as the cue for him to leave the room.

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