This feeling.

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All, I wanna do 

Is be with you. 

It was four days later, November 31 to be exact. Millie had been busy the past few days. She had a lot of photoshoots and interviews. She had tried to finish everything before she flew to New York again. She told her parents that it was for a project she was working on with a friend and that besides that, she needed some space for herself. She told them that she needed some time for herself. It wasn't a total lie, because she had to attend a few meetings and stuff when she was there. She planned the meetings, that were scheduled for the upcoming weeks, in New York. But besides that, she really needed some space from her live in LA. She hadn't told Jacob. She would do that the minute before she left. The last few days he was being relaxed. She was happy with that, but she knew he was a ticking time bomb. They had a few interviews together, talking about how they made up again and stuff. But when they were home, Millie avoided him. She felt bad for him, but she couldn't forgive him again. 

Millie grabbed her clothes and put them in her suitcase. She had to act like it was some last minute thing. That she just heard that she had to leave for New York. Suddenly she heart his voice: "Mills, what time is it?" "Sorry, that I woke you up. It's 8 AM, but I just got a call and I have to be on the plane by 1." "What, where are you going?" "I need to work on some project. I just heard." She tried to avoid his question. "Where?" he asked firmly. "It's in New York." He was quiet. But suddenly she saw him standing next to her. "You're going to New York? And you think I believe that its for work?" "You don't have to believe me. It's for work, for real." "Jesus Millie, you're lying." "I'm not Jacob. Besides, I can go where I want. You don't get to decide for me anymore. I know you're talking about Finn." "That Wolfhard boy, it's such a loser. You know that I don't like him!" "Well, he's my friend. I'm not going to New York for him, but I don't know, maybe we are going to hang out, just being friends." She knew she had to tell him. If by any chance, he saw something about her and Finn in the press, he would be furious. One stupid mistake and he would release it. "I should've never agreed with that stupid contract! You know I don't like it when you hang out with him." he yelled. "You should have thought about that before you kissed another girl, again. I can hangout with who ever I want and Finn is my friend." "When are you coming home?" "I don't know yet. I'll let you know, I promise." "Millie look at me." She looked up. 

"You know what happens when you break the rules. You can go where you want right now, but you are still MY girlfriend." "I know Jacob." He grabbed her arm. "And if you make one wrong move, if you do one stupid thing. I promise you, I promise that I will make your life a living hell. I will ruin your career and you're friends are going down with you! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" She didn't know what to do. She just nodded. She nodded like she was his pet. He freaked her out. "I can't miss you again, babe." "Don't act so sweet all of a sudden." She was surprised by her own words. She grabbed her suitcase and walked to the door. "I need to go, my will be here in five minutes." He grabbed her waist and put his lips on her. She tried to get away but he was too strong. "Jacob, let me go! Let me go!" But he didn't let her go. He hold her face with his hand and put his lips on her again. She pushed his face away. "Jacob, you're hurting me! Let me go!" She felt the tears in her eyes. She punched on his chest with her fists. "Let me go, asshole! You're hurting me!" He grabbed her arm and tried to get under her shirt with his hand. Millie started to freak out and tried to get out of his arms. "JACOB, LET ME GO!" Tears were running down her cheeks. She kicked him with her leg. He finally let go. "W-what t-the hell is wrong with you!" He looked at her and all she could do was cry. He was so messed up. She wasn't save around him anymore. She a car honk. "That's my cab. Bye Jacob." He grabbed her hand again, "be careful, babe. Just be careful." She shook of his hand and walked outside. Tears were still running down her cheeks. "Mrs. Brown, are you okay?" the cab driver asked. "I'm fine." She sat down in the backseat and tried to rub away her tears and her mascara. Her body was still shacking. She was so embarrassed. She was so embarrassed that she just couldn't stand up to him. 

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