New York, New York.

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There's nothing you can't do

Now you're in New York

These streets will make you feel brand new

Big lights will inspire you

Hear it for New York, New York, New York

The minute they arrived at the hotel, Millie walked as fast as she could to her room. She excused herself to her friends and said that she had to call her parents and stuff. Which was actually true, but she wouldn't do that right now. She needed a moment for herself. She knew she wanted nothing more than this, than to go out on some crazy adventure with Finn. She wanted nothing more than create new stories and memories with him, but there was one thing. Actually there was one person and she was worried sick. She knew that she really had to be careful tonight, because if there's anything about this in the press tomorrow, hell is going to break loose.

She looked for her make up and brushed her short brown hair. She looked at her phone. It was crazy but since she was here in New York, she totally forgot about her social media. She posted a photo on Instagram and made a story so her followers were up to date again. She checked her WhatsApp and saw some messages from her parents. She texted back that she would call them tomorrow morning. And of course, there were a lot of messages from Jacob. She read through it: he was being dramatic about missing her and feeling lonely. She was still mad about that girls voice that she heard, but she knew that she shouldn't think of it too much. She knew she couldn't leave him anyway so why would she be mad at him?

She heard some knocking on the door. It was Caleb. "Hi Mills, can I come in?" he asked. "Yeah, of course", she answered. He locked the door behind him and sat down on her bed. She was sitting in front of the mirror that was standing on a desk. "Finn told me that you were going to hang out tonight." "He told you?" "Yeah, don't be mad. He didn't tell anyone else. I think he just needed some encouraging words." "It's fine." She didn't really know where Caleb wanted to go. "I just want to say something to you", he said. "Well, I'm all yours so tell me." "I know that things have been hard between you two and I know that probably everyone is telling you that." "Yup, you're not the first one that mentions it." "I know, I just... I don't know exactly what happened between you and Finn last year. Finn won't tell me in detail, and I don't have to know because it's between the two of you. I just know that he was a mess, Mills." "And you think that I was walking happy through life with this big smile on my face?" she said more sarcastic than she meant to. "No, I know that you've been a mess too. I just... Alright, I'm just going to say it. You two still love each other and everyone can see it." She was quiet. "Wait, what?" "Millie, the way you two look at each other. Don't you see it? Finn has been talking about you literally every freaking day." She turned her face towards him. "And I know that you both messed up and it wasn't you're fault in particular or his, but just know that Finn misses you like hell and I don't want him to be that broken again." "What do you want to say exactly Caleb?" "Just don't get his hopes up." She sighed. "We are just trying to be friends again Caleb..." "Well, are you sure of that?"

She couldn't answer that. She just couldn't. Her head said yes, but her heart was saying something else. She didn't answer his question and started talking about something totally different.


It was almost 9 PM. Millie was scrolling through her Instagram feed, until she heard some knocking on the door. "Come in", she said. The door went open and she saw the boy with the dark, curled hair. He was wearing the same trousers and jacket that he wore at dinner, just with some hoodie underneath it now. She wore some jeans and a top. "Are you ready for your New York City tour?" he asked. "Yeah definitely!" She grabbed her coat and looked at her phone: 8 missed calls from Jacob. She threw her phone on her bed and walked towards Finn. "Aren't you going to take that with you?" he asked. "No", she said firmly. He was happy to hear that, since he knew that her phone almost grew on her hand. They walked out of the room and Millie locked the door. She turned around and looked at his face. "Finn, I-I'm just a little bit scared, scared that we will be seen." "It's going to be okay, mark my words."

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