Just know that I'm here.

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Can't fight this feeling anymore.

It was 8 AM. "Millie, Millie." Millie turned her head and put the blankets on her head. "Mills, you really have to get up." She heard Noahs voice somewhere far away. She opened her eyes and looked at the laughing face of her friend. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. It's just that you are so cute when you're asleep. You talk about all this stuff, HAHA!" Millie looked confused. 

"Where am I and how long have you been staring at me?" "Mills, we're in a hotel in New York and last night you had, let's say... you just let go of your worries!" Millie tried to remember. She knew they were in this club last night and she danced a lot. 

"How late did we get back here?" she asked. "Well, actually Finn took you home because you were so drunk." Suddenly everything fell in to place. She knew he had took her home. She knew they talked about stuff and that she told him about Jacob. Until the moment Noah interrupted them. She knew she did that because she was drunk. 

"Mills, there's just one thing. You were so drunk that you couldn't walk yourself, so... uhm... Finn..." "Noah, tell me!" She remembered something but she didn't know if she was right. "Well, okay you were in his arms and all. But there was a lot of paparazzi. Finn tried to cover your face, but... It's all over the news." Millie was shocked. 

The first day and she already messed up. "Noah, where's my phone? I need to get my phone." "Mills, slow down. I know what you're afraid of, but it was so innocent. And actually it was really sweet of Finn too." 

She didn't listened to him and grabbed her phone from the table in her hotel room. She unlocked it and went directly to Instagram. On her feed there were photos everywhere from Finn with the girl in his arms. She knew that he would be mad. Jacob would be pissed as hell. She opened their chat on WhatsApp. 35 messages. 

'Millie, what's all this? Why are there photos everywhere from you with Finn?' 'Millie, if you don't pick up you know what happens!!!' 

Then she saw some photos. She knew that Jacob was drunk. They were photos from him with some girls. Girls kissing his cheeks and their arms around his neck. She tried not to cry. It hurts, it hurts when he did things like this. She knew she should be mad, but she was just scared. She didn't know what to do anymore. She put up this fake smile and turned to Noah: "Noah, I'm just going to get ready. I'll see you downstairs", she said. "Okay Mills! Let me know if there's something I can do for you!" Noah replied. He got out of her room and she walked to the mirror. She knew those girls were much prettier than she. She hated it. She hated the control Jacob had over her. She put on some make up and looked for her outfit this day.

The rest of the crew and cast was already downstairs, except for Millie. They were joking around about Caleb, Gaten and Sadie their drunk dances yesterday. It was almost 9. Finn was listening to Gaten who was make fun of Caleb. Then, suddenly Millie was there. She looked fine as always. She smiled. 

"Goodmorning guys!" she said happy. "So you're finally awake Mills!" Gaten said. She smiled at him and sat down. Adam began to speak: "Alright guys, today we have a busy schedule: first we are going to cycle through Central Park! After that we have this interview with the six of you. Next thing is the interview with only Millie and Finn. Someone asked specifically for you two. Between dinner and the interviews there some time to relax and chill at the hotel. After that we are going to eat at this nice place and after that you have a free night!" Millie didn't hear his words. She just looked in front of her. 

A interview with her and Finn. Why? She knew she couldn't just skip this interview, she had to go to it. She looked at Finn. He looked confused as well. She just couldn't keep it together anymore. Jacob was already super pissed, but seeing the two of them in an exclusive interview: he would be furious. She didn't have much time to think because breakfast was getting served. She knew she had to eat. Noah looked at her. He nodded and smiled encouraging. She tried to eat her breakfast.

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