Something just like this.

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Just something I can turn to,

Somebody I can kiss.

I want something just like this.

It was a week later. It was the day before the Calpurnia tour would start.

"Mills, we really have to go now" Finn said. They were about to leave his apartment, but Millie was still busy with her suitcase. "Here, let me help you." He tried to close the suitcase, but there was way too much stuff in it.

"Jeez, did you pack for a month? The tour only lasts a week, babe."

Millie smiled at him. The first time he called her like that, her whole body shivered. Jacob always called her like that. But when Finn said it, there was this heat, that came rushing through her veins.

She liked it, when he said it. "I just need to have some choice. You don't get that, you're always wearing the same." She chuckled. "Ha-ha-ha" Finn replied sarcastically. He finally closed the suitcase. He stood up. "Come here." He opened up his arms and Millie walked towards him. He put his arms around her and gave her a kiss on her hair. Millie smelled the scent of him. She felt so safe when she was with him.

"I'm so excited for this week", she said. "I'm happy that I can finally hug you again. I've missed you for like three days", Finn said. Millie rolled with her eyes and laughed. She went to LA last week, to grab some stuff. She talked to her parents about everything and she said that she was going to stay in New York for a while. Her parents hesitated about Millie leaving for a while, but eventually they agreed. But she didn't tell them about the fact that she was staying at Finns place. She would tell them, someday. She didn't see Jacob when she was in LA. Her parents told her that he had to attend things that took place all over the country. She didn't want to see him, but she knew that one day she had. She tried not to think of that.

She also met with Noah in LA. She told him about her and Finn being official now. He was really happy for her, and so were Sadie, Caleb and Gaten.

Suddenly Finn grabbed her arm and she woke up from her thoughts. "Connor is here, babe. We have to go now. We can't miss our flight." Finn grabbed her suitcase and his bag and walked through the door. They got downstairs and Connor opened the door of the car for them. "Hi Finn, Hi Mrs. Brown." "Just call me Millie, Conor!" He smiled. They liked each other and they could talk for hours when they were going somewhere by car. Finn loved their bound, but sometimes it drove him crazy. They always talked so much.

They drove away and Millie laid her head down on Finns shoulder. Their fingers intertwined. She unlocked her phone and scrolled through her Instagram. Her and Finn were everywhere lately. On the news pages, on the gossip pages, on Instagram, in the papers. They were America's new dream couple. Everyone was in love with them. There was always press everywhere, but they were both used to it. Millie knew that Finn had problems dealing with his fame. Even though he was used to it. But she always helped him through it.

"Are you nervous?" Millie asked. Finn thought about her question. "Maybe a little bit. It's been a while since the last tour." "You will be fine, I know it for sure!" she answered enthusiastic. "You know that tour life isn't easy, right Mills?" "I know, you've told me like a hundred times. And yes, I am sure I want to do this. I am sure I want to go with you on tour." He smiled and squeezed her hand.

They arrived at the airport. Finn grabbed his bag and Millies huge suitcase. They said goodbye to Connor and walked to the check in. They were holding hands, but suddenly Millie felt how Finns grip became tighter. She saw them immediately: all the reporters, photographers and fans. "Just follow me. It's going to be fine. I promise." She quickly intertwined their pinkies.

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