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Every breath you take

Every move you make

Every bond you break

Every step you take

I'll be watching you

It was the next morning. Millie was already awake since 7 AM. She had a rough night. She was happy with the fact that she told Finn that she was forced to be with Jacob, but she was still scared and she knew that it didn't changed anything. After this week she still had to go back to him in LA. 

It was almost 8 o'clock now and Millie decided to call her parents. They were in London this week to arrange al kind of stuff for her. She clicked on her fathers number on her phone and she heard it go over. "Hey honey, I'm glad that you're calling! How are you? How is the press week going?" "Hi dad! It's going well! I've had three interviews right now. Two with the whole group and one with Finn." "With Finn? We didn't know that you had to..." "It was fine dad! It went great!" She heart her father mutter something. She knew that they were a big fan of Jacob. "Just be careful around him, Millie. You know your mother and I have always like Finn, but after what he did last year. And besides you're with Jacob now, so keep your distance." She knew she had to lie now. "Yeah, dad I will. How are you and mom?" We are fine! We have this appointment this afternoon with a film producer! They are going to make a new movie and they like to have you in it!" "That's great! How are Ava, Paige and Charlie?" She hadn't seen her siblings in a while now and she missed them like hell. "They're fine, Mills! Just focus on your and your career." Millie hated that. She hated the fact that her father was only focused on her career. "Okay, I have to go now dad. Call time is at 9 and I need to get ready." "Alright, sweetheart. Have a nice day! We'll keep in touch! There are a lot of new projects coming! Bye, honey!" "Bye dad!" She hang up. Her parents were always talking about her work and her career. She was used to it, but sometimes she felt sad about it. She stood up and went to Sadie. She needed some girl time. 

"Mills, come in!" Sadie yell enthusiastic. "Oh my god. You need to tell me right away. How was your date night?" "Jeeeez S, it wasn't a date, it wasn't a date at all." "Yeah sure. But what did you do?" Millie didn't want to share too much. She just wanted it to be something she shared with Finn and only him. "We went to see New York. It was amazing. And we talked a lot and stuff." "And?" "And... that's it." "Wait, no kiss, no nothing?" Millie didn't want to tell Sadie about their little moment in the hallway. It was nothing. "Nope, S you know that we are just friends. I don't even know if we are, I mean we are getting back to being friends." "You're telling yourself that for like eight years now." Millie looked at her best friend and laughed. "If you want to think so, then be my guest." Sadie started talking further about her own night. "And you and Caleb, are you two finally a thing or what?" "Shhhh, he might hear you!" Millie laughed. Caleb and Sadie were turning around each other for like two years now. "S why don't you just make it official? You're practically dating and kissed already like a hundred times." "Yeah, it's just complicated and stuff." "Nothing is complicated if you really want it." "Alright, alright. I'm going to talk to him tonight or something." Sadie started talking again about clothes and stuff and they went to the bathroom to do their make up. 


"So, the schedule for today is pretty busy guys! After breakfast we'll go to the 9/11 memorial. After that there's some TV quiz that you will attend. Something with games and stuff. The quiz last until 4 PM. It isn't live on television so it will take some time. After that you're free to eat wherever you want. Around 9 I want everything back here at the hotel and then we'll go to a party. It's a chic party, so be aware that there's press everywhere and don't misbehave." Adam sighed when he was finally done with telling the program. They all nodded and ate their breakfast. 

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