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Tell me somethin', girl

Are you happy in this modern world? 

Or do you need more? 

Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

A small strip of sunlight came to the curtains. Finn opened his eyes and yawned. He looked at the girl next to him. She was still sleeping. She laid curled up next to him. He brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her on her forehead. He grabbed his phone and saw a lot of texts. A few from Ryan, his manager. They were about the Calpurnia tour that was coming up. He had to leave in 1.5 week and then the tour would last 1.5 week as well. After that he would go to France, with his friends. Sadie had booked the house. 

He looked next to him and saw that Millie woke up. She opened her eyes. "Goodmorning, Mills." "Goodmorning." "Did you sleep well?" She blushed a bit. "Yes." He looked at her. He just wanted to help her, to get her out of that contract. It hurt him to see her in pain, to see her being a mess. She came closer to him and put her body against his. "Mills, I just want you too know that I don't mind if you cry or something. Of course I find it hard to see, but you should never feel guilty about crying." She smiled a bit. "And I know that you're a mess right now, but I'm always here to talk and you can tell me everything." She grabbed his hand and their fingers intertwined. "I want to do something fun, today." "Well, that's good! Because we can go on with my epic tour through New York!" She laughed. "Finn, thank you." "For what?" "For just being you." 

After they just cuddled in bed, they got out. Finn made some breakfast. He baked pancakes with blueberries. "You're such a chef!" Millie said laughing. "I bet I'm a better cook than you! Do we need to talk about that one time you baked cookies on set?" Millie looked offended, but she started to laugh. "You got me there." He gave her a plate with two pancakes. She looked at it and started to eat. Finn sat down next to her on the couch. "Did you talk to Jacob?" "No." She sighed. "I don't know what to say. I know that he hurt me and I have every right to be pissed. But still, I feel weird just being here, with you, while he is back home in LA." "You shouldn't feel guilty about making your own choices." "I'm not feeling guilty. I just don't want to hurt him the way he hurt me." He had so much respect for her. "But I don't want to talk about him now. What is your plan for today?" "Well, I thought we could maybe drive outside New York and enjoy some nature?" "I would love that, Finn." He watched her eat. He was happy that she did. She was still wearing his shirt and his shorts. "Do we need to drive to your hotel first? So you can pick up some things?" "Yeah, that's a good idea." Finn didn't want to ask the question that was burning inside of him. He was scared for her answer. 

"Mills, what if... if you just stayed here?" 

She was quiet for a moment. "You don't have to of of course. But maybe it's nice and you're not alone." "I would love to." He smiled at her. "Then I'll call Connor to pick us up! We'll drive to the hotel and after that we go to this place I want to show you." She smiled and nodded. He noticed that she was being quiet, same as yesterday. But he knew that she was having a hard time so. He gave her a hug from behind and kissed her on her hair. "Let's get ready then!" "Shit, all of my make up is at the hotel..." "Mills, you don't have to look like you're going to a fashion show or something." "I know, but what if someone sees us. I'll look like a wreck." "So what? Then they take pictures. You look beautiful. Believe me." "But my parents are going to be mad if they see how I'm looking and Jacob..." "So? Mills, choose yourself for one time." She was thinking about his words. "You're right. It's just... I'm not used to go out looking like 'this'." She pointed at herself. He laughed. 

A few moments after they got all of their stuff, they got down and got into the car. Connor was driving towards the hotel. When they arrived, Millie got out of the car. Finn was just about to follow her. "I can grab it myself. I'll be back in a minute." "But..." "Finn, I'll be back in five minutes." He was a little bit confused but he sat down in the car. She walked inside and got to her room. She grabbed all her stuff and put it in her suitcase. Then she quickly unlocked her phone. She knew he had been sending her all these texts. She pressed the phone button. "Hi." "Hi babe." "Don't call me that." "What are you doing?" "I'm busy, something work related. Why have you been texting me the whole freaking night?" "Because... you're my girlfriend." He said it as if it was obvious. "I'm your girlfriend when we are in public. And we aren't because I'm on the other side of the country." "Blahblahblah." "You're acting like a baby, Jacob." "I miss you, babe." "I'll be back soon. I just can't text the whole time, so stop spamming me." "I just want to talk to you." "Yeah. Well, I have to go." "Bye Mills, love you." "Bye Jacob." She didn't knew why he was still holding on to the thought of them being together in real life. She quickly pulled on a new top. It was a black, chic top and she pulled on a skirt with tights. She grabbed her suitcase and walked out of her room. Finn would be wondering where she was. She didn't wanted him to know that she called Jacob. He was so good for her. She didn't deserved him. She didn't want to lie, but she didn't want to make him feel bad. She got in the elevator and arrived at the ground floor. She checked out and walked to the car, with her suitcase. 

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