Rolling in the deep.

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Call it magic, call it true

I call it magic when I'm with you

And I just got broken, broken into two

Still I call it magic, when I'm next to you.

It was morning. It was the next day, the next day after the world turned upside down.

Millie was laying in bed, Finns bed to be precise. Finn was laying next to her. She was laying in his arms. Her eyes were puffy. Puffy from all the tears. Finn was still sleeping. She brushed the dark curls away from his eyes. She watched his lips, his high cheekbones, his dark brows. She hadn't slept at all this night. It was just too much to take in. It was to much to realize that everything had changed after yesterday night.

She looked at the ceiling. Suddenly she felt his hand cubbing her cheek. He turned her head towards him. "Goodmorning Mills." "Hi." He gave her a kiss on her forehead. She grabbed his hand. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "Not at all." She saw that he was worried about her. "What if we stay in bed the whole day?" Finn said. "I just want to disappear from the world right now." He pulled her closer. She felt his body against hers. "How about some breakfast first?" Finn said. "Sounds good." "Have you talked to Noah already?" "No, I should call him. And Sadie, and my parents and... Jacob. I have to talk to him." "You know that you don't have too." She shook her head. "I'll FaceTime Noah first. I really need to talk to him." Millie grabbed her phone from the night stand. "I'll make us breakfast!" Finn pushed away the sheets. He walked towards Millie. "I know that everything is messed up, like really messed up. But you're not alone, I'm here, always." He pressed a kiss on her cheek. She smiled at him. "I know."

Millie went to Noahs contact. She pressed the FaceTime button. The phone went over and there was Noahs face. "Mills! Finally, I've called you like a hundred times! Where the hell were you?" "I'm still in New York." "Yeah, I know that. Me and Sadie were seriously freaked out. What does all of this mean? What is going to happen? Is it even real?" "I don't know..." "Mills, are you okay?" Suddenly Millie heard Finn yelling: "do you want pancakes?" She saw how Noah made a weird face. "Wait, is that, is that Finn?" Millie looked down. "I haven't told you but, I-I am staying at Finns." Noahs eyes got big. "Millie Bobby Brown. You are staying with a boy, and not just a boy, you're staying with Finn, and you're not telling your best friend?!" "Sorry, I've just been very busy lately. I wanted to tell you and there's just so much more I need to tell you." "I'm really confused. I thought that that photo from you and your suitcase was fake or it wasn't what it looked like, but I didn't expect this. But Mills, I'm happy for you two." "Thanks, I'm..." "But you realize that what happened yesterday was pure revenge right? Pure revenge for that photo." "I know." They were quiet, both.

"What does it even mean? I mean, why post this?" "I called him last night. He explained himself" Millie answered and she told Noah about the conversation she had with Jacob. Noah couldn't believe it. All he could say was: "Wow, that boy is pretty messed up." Millie nodded. "Noah, I can't go out or anything. I know for sure that press will be everywhere and that everyone is going crazy about this." "I know Mills, and they probably will. But just stay calm alright?" "I'll try. But I'll look like a complete fool to the whole world." "Not to me. But Mills?" "Yeah?" "Don't you feel a little bit relieved or something?" "I don't know what to feel anymore." "I think you have to talk your parents, and to Finn. What does he say about all this?" "He think it's crazy. I didn't really spoke to him about it. I was freaked out yesterday night and when we got to his place, it was already late. But he doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to be with someone that messes up his life like this." "You know that's not true. You know that he loves you and you love him too." Millie sighed. "But Mills, I really have to go now. I can talk to Sadie if you want? So you have some more time to figure thins out?" "That would be nice. Tell her that I call her as soon as I can, I miss her." "I will! Stay strong Mills. Love you." "Love you too Schnapper." She hang up and turned her phone off.

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