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When she's O.K. 

Then I'm alright. 

When she's awake, 

I'm up all night. 

Nothing really matters. 

Finn parked the car in front of a white, high building, while Millie was still humming along with the music that sounded through the car. 

"I'll help you out babe, wait a second." 

He jumped off his seat, opened the door and round the hood of the car, opening the door on the other side. As he held his hand out, Millie grabbed her bag and placed her tiny hand in his to step out of the car. 

Sometimes it stressed her out a bit, the fact that everyone around her was so extremely worried, but she had accepted it after a while. The revalidation process went slowly and even now, three months later, her leg wasn't totally recovered and she needed to go to her doctor every week for a checkup. 

But she accepted everything, because she was still standing on this planet, feeling more alive than ever, with the boy she loved by her side. 

She held Finns arm while he took her bag from her, and they moved towards the building, walking through the entrance. Millie signed up at the counter, and chitchatted a bit with the woman behind the desk, before they sat down in the waiting room to wait for Dr. Brandon. 

A few minutes later the man arrived, wearing a white doctors coat and a stethoscope around his neck. "Mrs Brown?" he said while looking around the waiting room trying to spot the brown haired girl that was under his treatment for a few months now. Millie raised her hand when she heard her name, and together they went after the doctor, holding hands. 

They entered his office and Dr. Brandon turned around, gesturing at the two seats in front of his desk. 

"Wait a second, Mrs. Brown and Mr. Wolfhard. I have to get your dossier." 

The blond haired doctor in front of them was looking through the cabinet in the corner of the room, while Millie and Finn sat down behind the desk.

 "Mrs. Brown, how are you doing?" 

He turned around and sat down on the chair in front of them, spreading the papers out in front of him, while the sound of him typing on the keyboard in front filled the room. 

"I'm good, I think. My arm is recovering very quickly, my leg is a bit slower, but it's good." Millie looked in the familiar eyes of her doctor. 

"And your head?" the man in front of her asked while his fingers went over the keyboard again in a high pace. 

"Sometimes I have this giant headaches, and I need to take my rest, but I feel like it's getting better." 

He nodded with his head, and Millie turned her head towards Finn, who placed his hand on her leg.

"I saw you're in therapy with Dr. Owens, right?" 

She nodded lightly, "yeah, my parents thought it was a good idea and..." 

"You don't have to tell me anything, Mrs. Brown. I was just making sure the information in your dossier is correct." 

She nodded her head again, and looked at the computer screen while Dr. Brandons showed her the photos from the scan of her head they made last time. He compared them to the ones that were taken right after the accident, and he told them it looked way better, which made a smile appear on Millies face. 

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