The Dance

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is short! And hope it is okay. Also sorry if it's not good!

3rd P.O.V

It was week later where it was the day of the dance and every host was getting everything ready expect Haruhi, and the triplets. They watched everything be set up, they would be helping but Tamaki didnt want Haruhi to do any heavy lifting and Kyoya didnt want the triplets to waste their energy before they perform. Haruhi looked at the triplets and blushed when looking at Rye. "Um you three look good in your suits." She said biting her lip. 

A/N: their outfits:

A/N: their outfits:

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Rye smiled and thanked her while Rex and Red nodded at her comment. When Rex was about to say something, Tamaki and the rest of the club came up the stairs saying "Alright, men, the guests are about to come so get into your spots!" Every host nodded and got in their spots, then the guests came arrived, which Tamaki did a little speech.

Then everyone clapped and went dancing expect Rex since that was the deal for performing, Red was dancing with one of the girls who was her first guest, Hana. Rye was dancing with Mari, Hana's twin sister who were wearing matching dresses, Hana was wearing the blue one and Mari was wearing the pink one.

 Rye was dancing with Mari, Hana's twin sister who were wearing matching dresses, Hana was wearing the blue one and Mari was wearing the pink one

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Rex watched his siblings dance, while leaning against a wall, his quietness was disturbed by Mika, who is friends with Hana and Mari. "E-excuse me Rex-san..." she quietly said which caused him to look over at her, he tilted his head. "Yes, beautiful lady?" he commented which caused her to blush and whisper. "W-would you like to d-dance with me?" This caused Rex to smirk a bit, he chuckled while moving from his spot, "Well, I told Kyoya-sempai that I wasnt going to dance but.." he started off which caused her to look down sadly, but then looked up when Rex took her hand kissing it softly. "But after seeing such a beautiful girl in such a pretty dress, how could I say no?" Rex finished leading Mika to the dance floor and to start dancing.

 "But after seeing such a beautiful girl in such a pretty dress, how could I say no?" Rex finished leading Mika to the dance floor and to start dancing

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As now that every host and guests were dancing, it was coming to the point to were the Threats had to perform. When the time was coming close, Red and Rye bowed to their partners, and Rex made his way to the little stage where the instruments were. The two younger Threats followed their brother. This caused Tamaki to speak again. "Guests, feel free to dance to the song that the Threats have prepared!" Which caused everyone to clap.

The triplets got into positions, Rex at the piano, Rye holding the violin and Red holding the flute.

Rex started playing the piano which caused some guests to start dancing, once Red joined in, more guests started dancing. And when Rye came in, everyone was either dancing or watching the performance. The hosts watched in shocked, even though they knew that the triplets family are known for music, and being able to play on the piano, they didnt know that each triplet could play different instruments.

After the song came to an end, the triplets looked at each other, Rex got up and all three bowed then walked off the stage. Once that was done, Kyoya spoke in the microphone. "Thank you to our triplet hosts, now that was the last song, so please everyone get home safely." The guests awed but started making their way out, when that was happening, Kyoya noticed someone taking pictures of the Threats, and he also noticed someone taking videos of them. This caused him to frown and write in his notebook.

Once everyone left and was home, Kyoya kept thinking of the two strangers. "Who are they? And why at the dance?"

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