The Threat's Birthday (Part 2)

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Third P.O.V

It was lunch time and Threat triplets were about to head to the club but got stopped by the Hitachiin twins. "The boss said that club is gonna be closed today for lunch." Hikaru lied since the club would be planning the Threat's birthday during lunch. Kaoru grabbed Red's wheelchair and started pushing her to the lunch area, which caused Rex and Rye to follow them since Kaoru just took their sister without permission. "Let go." Rex said to Kaoru but all Kaoru did was run faster with Red.

As the twins and triplets made it to the lunch room (Haruhi went to the club to give information to the club), Hikaru took Red's chair away from Kaoru -which made him upset- to a table, Rye went in line to grab his and his sister's tray of food and Rex glared at the twins before being pushed by Kaoru to the line to get food. "How are you feeling Red-chan?" Hikaru asked while sitting beside her, smiling softly. Red looked at him with a blank look then smiled a bit not saying anything which caused Hikaru to pout and try to get Red to speak even if it was a little. He wanted to hear her voice so badly. "How's Bunick doing?" he asked while pointing to her favourite bear. Red looked down and whispered quietly. "H-he is doing okay too Hika-chan." This caused Hikaru to smile and blush at the nickname.

Their moment ended when Kaoru, Rex and Rye came to the table with the food. Rex was about to sit on the other side of Red but Kaoru beat him to the punch causing Kaoru to be on Red's right side and Hikaru be on Red's left side. Rex glared at the twins and was about to speak up but stopped when he saw Red smile softly at the Hitachiin twins. Rye chuckled quietly seeing his older brother giving up and he hands Red her lunch. Red was about to pick up her fork to have her pasta but Kaoru picked up her fork for her and started feeding Red which caused Red to blush and softly take a bite. This also caused Hikaru to glare at his brother and for Red's brothers to glare at Kaoru.

The twins and triplets ate their food while talking about random things which caused some students to watch them with envy since they wanted to join the hosts. Their time was done when the bell rang to say that lunch was over. They cleaned up and headed back to their class for music.

~Time Skip~

Classes were over and the triplets headed to the host club, Rye was pushing a sleeping Red since she fell asleep at the last class and usually the teacher would be upset and but let it pass. As the triplets made their way, Mika who was their first guest stopped them and started talking to Rex with a blush. Rex stopped her after a while since they had to go to the club, Mika frowned but nodded understood. The triplets carried on their way and Rye looked at his older brother. "She likes you know. But I know that you like someone else." Rye stated and Rex glared at his brother sighing quietly. "Let's keep it between us." was all Rex said when he opened the doors to the club.

Tamaki was about to run to Red but stopped when he saw her asleep. This caused him to awe at her, while Rye moved her to a far couch where she can sleep peacefully. Rye was about to pick her up and lay her on the couch but got stopped but Mori. Rye looked at him tilting his head as he watched his sempai pick up Red gently and lay her on a bed instead of a couch. This surprised Rye and Rex watch him gently and softly kiss Red's forehead. Mori turned around and blushed a bit when he saw Red's brothers stare at him. Plus he also noticed the other hosts (expect Haruhi) stare at him with glares on his face.

The brothers let it pass because first, Mori was taller then them and second they didnt want to wake up their sister. The doors opened causing all the guys and Haruhi to go to their tables to greet their guests. "Good afternoon lovelies." Rex smirked at the girls, which caused them to squeal. As the club went on, Red was still sleeping peacefully since no one wanted to wake her up because everyone wanted Red to recover quickly. When Red moved in her sleep, it caused her to drop Bunick on the floor which got noticed by Honey who was walking by. He picked up Bunick but instead of putting him back in Red's sleeping arms, he put his bunny there instead. Honey walked back to his place and smiled while blushing holding Bunick because he wanted to get the feeling that Red was in his arms.

As he sat down, his guests and Mori noticed that Honey wasnt holding his bunny instead holding Red's bear. This surprised them and started asking questions on how he got the bear in his arms, Honey explained and giggled but stopped when he saw Rye standing beside him. "Honey-sempai, could I have Red's bear back? It's something special to Red. And I dont want Rex-nii to see her without Bunick." Rye asked which made Honey pout but give Rye the bear back. Rye thanked Honey and quickly but gently switched the stuffed animals. Rye sighed in relief and handed Honey's bunny back to his sempai. A guest watched and asked the middle triplet why was it so important to Red, this caused Mori, Honey and Kyoya who were there listen in to get information on the girl that the like.

Rye tilted his head then hummed quietly. "Bunick was given to Red by our parents before we lost them." Rye answered which caused the guests and Honey to gasp and for Mori and Kyoya to stare at Rye with wide eyes. "It's the only thing that Red remembers about them." Rye finished then went back to his table.

~Time Skip~

It was the triplets birthday and Red was finally able to walk without the wheelchair. When Bates woke up Rex, he gave him kiss on the forehead which caused Rex to pull his butler, friend and lover in his bed mumbling. "I dont want to get up." Which made Bates to chuckle and help Rex get dressed in his school uniform. "You have to Rex, even though I dont want your classmates and guests at your club to say happy birthday to you, I have to deal with it." Bates said while he tied Rex's tie, Rex groaned quietly and headed downstairs to the diner room with Bates following him.

As the way Rye woke up, it was by himself but he was greeted by his butler and friend Benson. "Good morning Rye, and happy birthday." Benson said which caused Rye to nod softly getting dressed while Benson opened the curtains and made the bed. "I think that my sempais want Rex, Red and I to stay longer after school." Rye said which caused Benson to nod. "I will go let Archer know." Benson said as they walked out of Rye's room heading to the diner room. When the past Red's room, they saw Alf walk in to wake up the youngest Threat. Alf walked in the room smiling and opening the curtains. "Good morning Red-chan~! And happy birthday~!" Alf said happily which caused Red to open her eyes slowly and rub her eyes while getting up. "Good morning." Red said quietly.

After Alf helped Red get dressed, Alf carried Red down to the diner room where her brothers, Nana and butlers where. When they reached the diner room and Alf put Red on a chair beside Rye, the triplets' Nana smiled at her grandchildren. "Happy birthday my sweet grandchild." Nana said which made the triplets to say thank you together. Devon, Bates, Benson and Alf walked in again with everyone's breakfast. When Nana and the triplets ate and finished, Archer walked in with three different cakes and placed them in front of the Threats. "Happy birthday." Archer said while smiling.

~Time Skip~

It was now after school, and each triplet were getting tired of every student and teacher wishing them a happy birthday. They wanted the day to end so badly but they had to head to the club, they all hoped that they didnt have to host any guests today, the triplets werent a fan of their birthday. Yeah sure, they were born but they wanted to celebrate their birthday on their own. When Rex opened the door, the triplets where hit with small papers in their faces and the club mates wishing them a happy birthday.

Each triplet had a different expression, and it was shocking. The oldest had a frown on his face since he didnt like being surprised if it wasnt Bates surprising him. The middle triplet had a knowing face since he got on what was happening when Haruhi first asked about birthday parties and what he liked. As for the youngest, her face was full of joy since she saw the cake in the club room. The hosts looked at the Threats waiting for them to say anything, it was silence but it ended when Haruhi spoke up. "Happy birthday Rex-kun, Rye-san and Red-chan!" she said while hugging each one, this made the triplets to hug back since they all liked Haruhi.

After that, the hosts each said happy birthday to the triplets, and the club and the triplets celebrated both the triplets and Kyoya's birthday (which surprised the other hosts that the triplets knew Kyoya's birthday was close).

A/N: Sorry if the chapter is long and seemed rushed or bad... Also I hope you guys are doing okay, and are okay with Bates and Rex having a thing.

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