What Do You Mean?

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The triplets where sitting in their living room of Nana's house with their parents, Gran, Nana and the butlers. They and the butlers were quiet, but not the parents, Gran and Nana, they were chatting like they didnt disappear. Bates looked at his friend and lover with a concerned look as he didnt know what was going on with in his mind. Benson was keeping an eye on his friend with a his normal but a hit of worrisome. As for Alf, people would be able to tell he was worried for Red since he wanted to always know what was on her mind. And Archer looked at his three friends wondering if they will be okay.

Rex finally spoke up and that caused his parents and grandmothers to look at the triplets. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms staring at his parents. "What is going on? Why is everyone acting like Papa and Mama werent missing for years?!" He yelled which caused Bates to put his hand on Rex's shoulder and for the kids' mother look at him with guilt. "We didn't mean to disappear on you three." Their father said with a soft tone, understanding what his children are going through. "Then what do you mean?" Rye spoke up as he knew that his brother would start falling apart. "Well," their mother said and their father took out the folder that the triplets saw in the warehouse when their parents showed up.

The triplets leaned in looking at the folder with the name of the song that they knew how to play. "We had to leave once we figured out this song was the last copy and worth a lot to own and play." Their father explained as the triplets looked inside the folder. Inside the folder said that this song could only be played by three people and they had to be related. "I dont follow." Rex said and Rye nodded in agreement while Red stared at the music sheets. "We had to go into hiding so know one could get to you three." Their father went on then stopped when he saw his daughter taking the sheets, reading the lyrics quietly.

"It's a love song... But why is it so important." Red asked and her mother smiled softly hearing her daughter's voice. "Because it has three parts. For three different pianist to play." She explained and got up kneeling in front of her children. "This song can only be played by three different pianist who are born the same day."

~Time Skip~

The triplets gave their parents a kiss on the cheek and hugged them as they headed to school. The information that they were given was a lot but they understood that if the perform this song in public they can find their true love or that that their crush would know that they want them. It was weird but they got it since their family believes in anything that involves with music. Since many of their family members played that song, but if someone else who isnt in the family played the family, would ruin it's meaning.

The Threats made their way to their classroom but got stopped when Red was being hugged by Hikaru and Karou. "Don't you dare disappear from my sight!" The twins said to Red at the same time but all she did was blush and tilt her head confused. "What do you mean?" She asked but they pulled away and helped her to her seat.

~Time Skip~

It was break time and the orange haired twins never left Red's side, which didnt bother Rex anymore since he knew what was happening. And Rye was too busy chatting with Haruhi to even notice. Red got up and was about to leave to go to the bathroom but got stopped when her brothers and her friends looked up at her. "Washroom." She said and left, Karou and Hikaru were about to follow to make sure that she wouldnt get kidnapped again but Rex stopped them letting them know that she is fine.

Red walked down the halls to the washroom holding Bunick, while looking at the windows thinking what Karou and Hikaru meant. Her thoughts got stopped when she felt arms around her, she looked up scared but tilted her head when she saw Honey hugging her tightly. He whispered in her ear which made Red blush. "Dont scare me like that." He said which caused her to ask the same question she asked Karou and Hikaru this morning. "What do you mean?" Honey didnt answer and pulled away giving her candy then went back to his classroom.

After Red finished going to the washroom, she saw Mori standing near the door. She tilted her head to the side while looking up at him. "Mori-senpai?" This caused him to look at down at her, he crouched down to be the same height as Red, well he was still a bit taller. He then softly ran his fingers through her hair looking in her eyes. "At least you arent hurt." Mori spoke which made Red look at him confused and before she could ask the question she has been asking to three different people so far, he already stood up and walked away.

~Time Skip~

It was now lunch time and the Threats to the music room that wasnt for club. They walked in and looked at the three pianos that were there. Rex took out the music sheets for the first movement of the song of Moonlight Sonata, then Rye took out the second movement music sheets. And right when Red was about to take out her papers for the third movement of the song, the doors opened by Tamaki. He ran up to Red and picked her up hugging her tightly. "I felt like I lost my heart." He said to her, and Red looked at him with a shock expression while blushing. "What do you mean?" She asked the tall blonde but before he could respond, the doors opened by Kyoya. "Tamaki. The French teacher is looking for you." Kyoya lied, which caused Tamaki to put Red down softly and sadly leave the room before answering the question.

Rex and Rye watched as Kyoya stare at their sister, he then sighed shaking his head. "It seems like I can never have you leave my sight." Kyoya said and turned around to walk out but Red looked at him confused without being able to ask the same question. When he left, Red looked at her brothers for answered when she heard Rex chuckle at what was happening, and Rye shook his head understanding what was happening. "This is gonna be difficult for you." Rye said which caused Red to ask her brother. "What do you mean?" But her brothers didnt answered and just went to practicing the music. It caused Red to huff and pout not understanding but she gave up since it seems like she wont get the answer from the boys.

A/N: Hope everyone is doing well, and ready for this book to be finished. Cause I am, it has been too long of a wait.

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