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3rd P.O.V

It was the next day and the triplets walked to the libary to grab a book- actually Rye wanted to get a book so he dragged Rex and Red with him. Which kind of made Rex pissed off since it was early to go to the school library and Red was a little cranky since Alf said that Mr. Fuzzy or Bunick -her favourite teddy bear that goes to school with her - couldnt come to school with her for they were being washed.

As they were walking, they heard some students who come to the library before class gasp quietly. The reason is, it's rare for the triplets to come to the library before classes. As the Threats walked in, some students crowded around them asking random things, girls were asking Rye if he could help them in subjects, boys asking Rex if he wanted to hang out with them to play video games and both girls and boys asking Red if he knew any good songs. With the huge crowd, it caused problems for each Threat.

The crowd was making Rex more pissed off with the questions,  the crowd was making Rye fake smiling for he just wanted a new book to read and the crowd was making Red scared of the small space. The triplets didn't like huge crowds that much every since they were young. Slowly the crowd kept getting bigger and bigger, but then the crowd backed up when hearing a voice that wasn't from the triplets. The Threats turned around for the voice was behind them, their eyes widen seeing Ootori Kyoya.

The students stared at the second year and so did the triplets. "Excuse me, but this is a library, not some classroom." Ootori said with a small smile but with a dark aura around him. "And I would like to talk Threat-kun (Rex), Threat-san (Rye) and Threat-kohai (Red), so if you'll excuse us." he finished causing him to take Rex's arm and walking out of the library with the other Threats following. The walk to the 3rd Music Room was awkward until Rye spoke up. "Thank you Ootori-sempai for saving us." causing the Sempai to just keep walking.

The four of them reached the room and walked in seeing everything different then the last time they came here. The room was like a gypsy castle and each member was different clothes.

Souh-sempai and Fujioka-san:

Mori-sempai and Honey-sempai:

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Mori-sempai and Honey-sempai:

Mori-sempai and Honey-sempai:

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Hikaru and Kaoru:

Kyoya(he left when the triplets stared at the room and everyone)

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Kyoya(he left when the triplets stared at the room and everyone)

Suoh-sempai saw the triplets and walked to them trying to act like a cool sempai in front of their eyes, though deep down in their minds, they knew he wasn't cool at the moment

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Suoh-sempai saw the triplets and walked to them trying to act like a cool sempai in front of their eyes, though deep down in their minds, they knew he wasn't cool at the moment. He smiled and bowed. "Welcome~! Have you made up your mind?" Suoh-sempai asked while making the triplets quiet. Rye sighed and nodded while talking. "Actually, we will test it out first then we will see." The second year nodded while smiling even though it was just a statement.

Ootori-sempai then came back and showed the triplets their costumes (at the top). They changed and walked out at the same time, causing some random girl to squeal at their looks. Rex groaned while covering his ears, Red shyly hide behind Rex and Rye fakely smiled. "Boys, this is Househakuji Renge, our manger." Ootori-sempai stated. "You look so handsome and cute!" Househakuji-san said while squealing, Rye said thank you. "Everyone places!" Suoh-sempai yelled.

Tamaki  sat on a chair, Kyoya stood behind him with Mori beside him. Haruhi  and Honey stood beside the chair on the right side and Hikaru and Karou stood on the left side of the chair and the triplets sat on the floor in front of the chair. The door opened and everyone but Red said "Welcome~" to the girls.

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