Morning Without Red

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3rd P.O.V

It was the next day after the dance, and of course mother nature had to come hard. Alf was having trouble getting the youngest triplet Threat out of bed. "Red-chan~! It's time to wake up for school~! I know you and the other young masters were out partying for school but you have classes."  Alf said while opening the curtains causing Red who was under her blankets groan mumbling quietly. "No. I dont want to." Now normally Red would handle the cramps and her period but for some reason, they were worser then usual and nothing would help the pain.

The butler frowned hearing the pain his madam was in. He didnt know what to do, so Alf quickly went to go find Archer. As he was running down the hall, he past Bates who looked at him confused. "Everything okay Alf? Did you get Red-sama up?" Bates asked which caused Alf stop and shake his head. "No! She wont get up and is in too much pain! I need to find Archer!" Alf stated while holding Bates' shoulder and shaking him. 

Bates frowned more than usual and stopped Alf, "Calm down, I was just talking to Archer, he is in the dinning room setting up the triplets' plates and Madam Nana's." Bates said causing Alf to run down to the dinning room. After Alf ran down the stairs, Rex's door opened rubbing his eyes a bit mumbling, half dressed. "Bates, I need help with my tie again." Rex said walking back in his room and Bates following him in.

Alf finally made it to the dinning room seeing Archer placing Nana's tea in front of her and Devon standing behind Nana. Once he entered the room, all three looked towards him with a questioned face. Alf bowed to Nana first before saying. "Good morning Madam, I'm sorry running in here.." He started off but Nana smiled and said "Good morning Alf, and it's okay, is there a reason?" Alf nodded his head biting his lip a bit while looking at her. "Yes Madam, it seems that Red's cramps are stronger then before.... She doesnt want to get up and is in a lot of pain..." he started off which caused Nana to chuckle a little. "And so I came to ask Archer for help-" Nana cut him off with putting her hand up. 

"Let her stay home for the morning. And she will go to school in the afternoon. If it gets worse then she has the day off." Nana said causing Alf to nod, Archer also nodded meaning that he had to put Red's plate away. Nana let Alf to go tell her granddaughter, and started eating. The butler made his way up to Red's room, knocking first but entering after hearing a groan. "Red-chan, Madam Nana said that you will go to school in the afternoon because of the pain." Alf said causing Red to peek a bit, giving a small smile and a quiet whisper. "Thank you." Then she fell back to sleep causing Alf to quietly leave her room.

~Time Skip to the other Threats getting to school~

Rex and Rye quietly got out of the limo after thanking Archer for the ride. The two walked into the gates of the school causing the students to gasp that Red didnt come to school with them. The two brothers headed down the halls towards the principle office first to tell the office that Red will be coming later in the day. "Nana said Red will be coming in the afternoon and that we are heading to Gran's for dinner." Rye said causing Rex to nod and yawn quietly. Rye looked at his older brother and tilted his head, "Your tie is neat today. Did Bates do it?" Rye asked while smirking a bit, Rex nodded his head while humming.

The Threats made it to the office, and told the principle that their brother will be coming in the afternoon, and then they headed to their classroom causing them to bump into Hikaru, Karou and Haruhi on their way. The three 1st years looked at the two brothers tilting their head confused. "Where's Red?" Hikaru asked, Rex didnt answer and headed into the class, Rye smiled softly at Haruhi and then looked at the twins. "He is home, not feeling well right now, but he will be here in the afternoon." Then Rye walked in the class with Haruhi, the Hitachiin twins frowned since they were worried for the girl.

But they walked into class after the other three and sat down. The bell rang and the teacher walked in then did attendance. Class started off slow with Science which caused Rex to sigh and not listen to the teacher again and Rye take notes down for his siblings. Then next class was English which was easy for the Threats because since they are part Dutch, British and Japanese. Their mother is half Dutch and Japanese and their father is half British and Japanese.

After the two classes, it was finally lunch time, and the first year hosts made their way to the host club. When they got to the room, Rex opened the door and regretted it because of what he saw. He saw Tamaki running to the door with tears in his eyes. "IS RED OKAY?! IS MY DAUGHTER OKAY?! I HEARD SHE WASNT IN CLASS THIS MORNING!" Tamaki yelled and then everything froze in place. "Excuse me?!" Both Rex and Rye said with both anger and shocked. And the rest of the hosts (including Kyoya and Mori) looked at Tamaki with wide eyes while Tamaki froze up covering his mouth with this in his mind: "Oh no...."

A/N: Hello! Hope this chapter is good! And I decided to sorta speed it up with the triplets finding out that the hosts know one of their secrets..... Hope that's okay! Let me know what you think so far! Thank you!!! xxx

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