Being Ruby for One Day Part 2

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3rd P.O.V

Ruby (using her girl name for it's her day) walked towards on of the rides seeing which line wasn't too long for her to wait. She finally picked the tallest ride with a huge smile, as she waited in line, the host club were in the same line but they were a few people behind Ruby so she doesn't notice. 

As the hosts were in line looking at Ruby with wonder what she was doing, and Haruhi who was there as well, didnt notice anything different as she wasnt there when finding out the truth about Ruby. Also the host boys didnt tell her yet. When Ruby was getting onto the ride, she took the front with a random guy, which caused the host club boys to get a bit upset that Ruby was sitting with a guy.

The club got on the ride as well so they didnt miss their chance of Ruby. Mori and Honey were sitting behind Ruby and the guy, then the twins were sitting in the middle of the coaster, Tamaki and Kyoya were in the back and Haruhi didnt join them as the other seats were taking so she had to wait. The ride started and Ruby smiled widely as rollercoasters was something she liked.

~Time Skip~

After the first rollercoaster, Ruby went on many others with the host club following her every move. This caused Haruhi to start to wonder why they kept seeing the girl, so Haruhi took the chance and asked the boys what was going on. When she asked this caused all the boys to drag Haruhi away to explain.

"Umm you see Haruhi is that, when the club went to visit the Threats last night, we found out that-" Tamaki started then looked at Kyoya to help him out. "Haruhi, Red is female. Her real name is Ruby and the girl we keep seeing is her." Kyoya said and finished with "But Red and the rest of the Threats dont know that we know. So we are going to keep it that way." Haruhi looked at the boys with shocked and looked over to see Ruby still in line. She nodded understanding but still a bit confused. "We will explain it more when we are alone." Kyoya stated knowing that if they talk about it here, Ruby would hear.

Once that was handled, the host club noticed Ruby was heading to the food area and they followed her.

Ruby's P.O.V

I hummed quietly heading towards a place to get something to eat, as I made my way there, I noticed that there was mascots dancing to a song. It made me smile, and when I was watching the dance, one of the staff guy noticed me and asked me if I wanted to dance. I said sure and got ready, I nodded my head and smiled when I heard the song go off.

While I was dancing, I noticed that the crowd was getting larger and I smiled wider because other than singing and playing instruments, dancing was a huge thing I loved doing. And whenever I danced, I would put on a show for my Nana, Gran, my brothers and the household. I kept dancing letting loose, because I knew no one would noticed me, but I did notice that people were recording me, I dont really mind at all.

As the dance was getting close to the end, I finally noticed that I was getting hungry and it was getting late. I needed to be home soon, so once the song ended, I bowed while waving and smiled at the crowd. Then I made my way to the gate because I wanted to eat out of the park, once I made my way, I once again took noticed that the host club was near me, which cause me to quickly leave. I made my way out of the park and to the bus stop before the hosts noticed me. I got on the bus and head to a restaurant.

A/N: Hello everyone, I am truly sorry for the long awaited updated... I have been busy with school and family things. And when I was dealing with that, I had no time plus I didnt know what to write, till now. Plus while in school, I was going under a slight depression where nothing was going right and I didnt feel like writing. But I am back, and I hope that this chapter is okay...

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